Russell Simmons named PETA's Person of the Year - 18 Dec 2011  
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American hip-hop pioneer, fashion entrepreneur, and vegan Russell Simmons has been recognized as the 2011 Person of the Year by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for his quiet but tireless advocacy for animal welfare and promotion of humane plant-based fare.

The music mogul, who has been instrumental in launching careers in the hip-hop culture for several decades, expanded into the fashion industry with Phat Farm, which uses no leather, fur, or wool in accordance with his cruelty-free vision.

Upon receiving this year's distinction as PETA’s Person of the Year, a prestige shared with past laureates such as US President Bill Clinton, Mr. Simmons said, “The horrible abuse of animals is the worst karmic disaster in the history of humankind. The work that PETA does to combat this catastrophe is amazing.

I’m truly humbled to be chosen as this year’s Person of the Year but the praise should go to the hundreds of thousands of volunteers that are on the ground doing the work.

I accept this honor on their behalf.” We join in heartfelt accolades, Mr. Russell Simmons, for this meaningful commendation. May your exemplary life and efforts continue to inspire more and more people toward respect and care for our beautiful animal co-inhabitants across the globe.
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