Featured Videos

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s Operation Waltzing Matilda
Akahi: A Breatharian from Ecuador (In Spanish)
Preserving the Musical Treasures of Afghanistan: An Interview with Master Musician Ustad Sobeir Bachtiar (In Dari)
The Responsible Animal Care Society - Protectors of the Innocent
Victims of Fowl Play: Chickens Condenmed to Squalid Factory Farms
Rethinking Our Diets:Dr. Jérôme Bernard-Pellet, French Vegan Physician (In French)
Gallantry in Action - Chris DeRose, Founder of Last Chance for Animals
Meat and Global Warming:Uncovering Truths to Save the Planet
Invitation to Light Light Factory:The Art of Making Vegan Foods
Chef Paul Nison – Healing with Raw Foods
Bringing Hope: The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
"Children's Health & Sustainable Planet" Jeju International Conference
Being One with All: Amelia Kinkade, Artist, Author and Telepathic Animal Communicator
Haiko Energy: Providing Solutions for a Greener World
Dr. Jeffrey Masson on the Emotional Lives of Animals
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