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Interview with John Robbins (author:Diet for a New America) 
Elite Vegetariana :Entrevista con el Presidente de Eslovenia, Dr Janez Drnovsek 
Shining World Leadership Award - Iran Ministry of Health 
European Union Noble Deeds 
Veggie Fur Ad 
Alternative Living Ad 
Anincio - Termina con la Crueldad 
Shining World Leadership Award - Presidential Palace, Slovenia - May 31, 2007 
GUSI Peace Prize 2006 Part 1 ~ Par 15 
Parte 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15    
GUSI Peace Prize 2006 Part 16 ~ Par 17 
Parte 1, 2    
UNESCO -World Theater Day 

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