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Vegetarismus: die edle Lebensweise
Öko-Kochkunst mit dem Rohkost-Küchenchef und Autor Bryan Au: Auberginen Manicotti und Obst-Sushi

(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Raw Eggplant Manicotti
1 thin ripe, semi firm eggplant (not round)
5–6 tablespoons olive oil
Homemade tomato sauce
1 tomato
5 pieces of sun-dried tomato (optional)
1 red bell pepper
2–3 olives
2–3 tablespoons of
Miso Master Chickpea
Kelp cayenne pepper
Sea salt
Basil or parsley for garnish

Fruit Sushi
Green apple
“Pickled Ginger”
Green apple, sliced thinly
Strawberries, crushed