Sizzling sun sears state of Chhattisgarh and Orissa in the India - 18 May 2011

Temperatures in the Indian states of Chhattisgarh and Orissa reach scorching records of up to 45 degrees Celsius with at least six sunstroke deaths suspected as people are advised to stay indoors and stop work during midday hours.

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society President and founder Paul Watson announces the group's intentions to protect the nearly extinct bluefin tuna off the coast of Libya by monitoring activities in the region, in accordance with a European Union fishing moratorium there. Supreme Master Ching Hai is donating US$20,000 in added support to this noble work.

Since April, about 50 leopard sharks have been found lifeless on the shores of California, USA due to massive internal bleeding, with the cause of this fatal condition as yet unknown, although some suggest that it is due to toxic chemical runoff.

According to a report from the UK's Center of Ecology and Hydrology, rivers were at their lowest-ever recorded levels at the end of April, with the month itself the hottest in 350 years and land in England and Wales the driestin half a century.

  Dubai plans to set aside 10% of land for nature conservation - 19 May 2011 
 Dramatic decline in sockeye salmon in Canada's Fraser River - 17 May 2011 

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