Extreme heat wave spread across U.S. - 17 Jul 2011

With 882 record high temperatures that have been tied or set across the United States so far in July 2011, a severe heat wave has joined the prolonged drought, as thermometer readings of 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43.3 degrees Celsius) continue to be seen in especially the central and southern regions of the country.


Environmental group Greenpeace on July 13, 2011 calls for leading international sportswear companies to halt the release of hazardous chemicals from their factories in China, where toxic discharge into rivers is affecting the drinking water of more than 67 million people.


  Farmers in the Kavango Region of Namibia report losses of up to 50% of their harvests due to unseasonably cold weather - 18 Jul 2011 
 Warming oceans causing mass migration of marine species - 16 Jul 2011 

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