PETA Asks Governor to Fight Global Warming by Encouraging Residents to Go Vegetarian News - 13 Mar 2008

PETA Asks Governor to Fight Global Warming by Encouraging Residents to Go Vegetarian

Go veg and go green! On Tuesday, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) sent a letter to Governor Jon Corzine in the US state of New Jersey, encouraging him and New Jersey citizens to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by lowering meat consumption, a carbon-intensive commodity. The letter included recent reports of how the vegetarian diet can significantly counter the effects of global warming as well as its numerous health benefits. We applaud your dedication, PETA, to the cause of animal welfare and environmentalism. May the switch to a vegetarian diet grant us with Heaven’s mercy in our mission to restore the planet to its wondrous, natural state.

Conference - 'Climate Change - Finding Solutions'

European Union supports UK businesses seeking climate change solutions. On Tuesday, March 18, a conference on climate change that is open to the public will be held at the University of Winchester in the United Kingdom. The forum, “Climate Change ? Finding Solutions,” is being organized by the University of Winchester as well as the European Law Monitor, a European Union advice center for citizens, and European Commission representation in the UK. Our Supreme Master Television correspondent in the United Kingdom had a phone interview with Ms. Claire Bradley, Managing Director of the European Law Monitor, to learn more about the meeting.

Claire Bradley Interview Supreme Master TV 

Q: Ok, very good. The theme of the event is that business will lead the search for solutions to climate change. Can you explain more about this theme?
A: Yes certainly. It’s generally recognized that whilst governments and decision makers can kind of create the infrastructure to make markets work more efficiently, it’s down to businesses to actually create the products that are going to be efficient in combating climate change.

A key part of the event is to help businesses find the support they need to bring new green products to consumers more easily. With high profile speakers from the European Union, the conference will help local businesses and ordinary citizens become better informed about ongoing sustainability measures in the European Union. 

Q: Ok. And what are the benefits of attending the ‘Climate Change: Finding Solutions Conference’ and what can people learn from it? 

A: Right. Basically there’s two distinct sorts of sections to the conference. At one level one of the benefits and one of the things that people can learn is they can find out what are the latest policies at EU and UK level; we’re going to have speakers covering what’s happening at EU level on climate change and energy and also at national level. If you’re an organization who’s just looking to get more involved in improving your business’s carbon footprint or reducing emissions or you would like to do more but you’re not quite sure where to start, the Carbon Trust will be there and basically what they do is go in and help businesses deal with these issues, so there’s certainly a lot there for everybody.

The “Climate Change - Finding Solutions” conference invites businesses and the public free of charge. For more information, please visit We thank the European Union and all those involved in this collaboration as we look forward to hearing more about the green solutions it will inspire. Through the earnest commitment of individuals and governments such as these, may the Providence guide us to wisely and quickly preserve our Earth

Infectious disease risk increases as a result of climate change

Canadian scientists warn of public health threat posed by global warming. Doctors from the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario report that the habitat range of disease carriers like ticks and mosquitoes will soon expand throughout the heavily populated areas of Canada because of warmer temperatures. Dr. David Fisman, one of the study’s authors, urged policy makers to prepare for the possibility of new diseases. He said: “We need to reach beyond the traditional academic boundaries, to allow cross-disciplinary studies to be conducted between environmental scientists, health professionals, ecologists, geographers, as well as the veterinary community, because these new diseases may also impact livestock and wildlife populations.” We express our gratefulness, Dr. Fisman and team, for this timely warning. May the world’s citizens and governments unite in finding ways to reverse the effects of global warming and save lives.

Labor leaders call for action on climate change, green jobs

Labor leaders in the United States go green. The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), the largest labor federation in the United States, has unanimously passed a comprehensive resolution to encourage a healthy economy while benefiting the environment. AFL-CIO President John Sweeney stated, “The AFL-CIO supports a new industrial policy, an environmental economic development policy, which places manufacturing and trade at the center of a green economy program.” Great job, AFL-CIO! We laud your efforts in joining the green evolution with your significant voice. We wish all workers the benefit of fulfilling employment that also assists in the preservation of our planetary home.

A new carbon capture technology turns the output into a useful product. In 2005, coal-fired power plants accounted for a third of the 25 billion metric tons of CO2 produced in the United States. Carbon Sciences, Inc. of Santa Barbara, California, USA has created a new technology that captures the CO2 emissions and turns them into calcium carbonate. This byproduct has many uses, including applications in the manufacture of paper, glass, plastics, and ceramics. Many thanks, Carbon Sciences, for this new and ingenious way of reducing carbon emissions. Our best wishes for your creative solution to be soon available for use across the globe!
Returning worms build coast reef

Returning marine worms signal coastal health in Wales. Offshore reefs created by the honeycomb worm or Sabellaria alveolata are once again visible off the coast of Wales after a 60-year absence. Dr. Lyndsey Dodds, of the environmental group World Wide Fund for Nature stated, “We now have a second chance to properly protect the fragile reefs from potentially damaging activities.” Our appreciation, Dr. Dodds and World Wide Fund for Nature, for this encouraging report. We give thanks to God for this new opportunity to be good stewards of our Earth. We pray for a similar recovery of more of the world’s habitats.
Expert warns on catastrophe we all face

British environmental scientist calls upon urgent changes to avoid catastrophic climate change. Dr. Chris Tuppen, Director of Sustainable Development for British Telecom, urges lifestyle changes to prevent runaway global warming that would occur if the melting of Arctic permafrost caused the release of massive amounts of methane gas into the atmosphere. Dr. Tuppen said that to make a real difference, the United Kingdom and other countries would need to reduce CO2 emissions by 80 percent of 1990 levels. He stated: “We can all make a decision about the future of the planet by what we buy, how we live our lives and how we vote.” Dr. Tuppen, we greatly appreciate your clear and wise advice. Blessed be our joint actions in quickly adopting sustainable practices to help maintain the equilibrium of our Earth.

Government Delivers Details of Greenhouse Gas Regulatory Framework

Canada announces details of its emissions regulation plan. A new framework, called “Turning the Corner,” will help Canada reduce emissions 20% by 2020. The strategy includes plans to create a carbon trading market, encourage green living, require oil sands operations to use carbon capture and storage, and ban the construction of antiquated, coal-fired power plants. With a goal of lowering green house gas emissions by 60% to 70% by 2050, “Turning the Corner” hopes to continue development as new technology and ways of safeguarding our environment are found. Canada, we thank you for your goals of reducing your nation’s carbon footprint. May Heaven provide us with wisdom and courage to act rapidly to save our wondrous planet.
Glaciers atop Great Lakes mountains shrinking rapidly

Africa’s glaciers could be gone in 30 years. Glaciers atop the Rwenzori Mountains between Uganda and Congo are likely to melt in the next 30 years, according to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Over the last 50 years, the glaciers have already lost half of their volume. Marc Languy is a WWF team member who participated in an expedition to photograph the glaciers at 5,119 meters above sea level. He stated that the impact for wildlife and vegetation would be severe since they could not adapt quickly to the new conditions. We sincerely thank you, World Wide Fund for Nature for your crucial observations. May we move quickly to act in order to preserve the fragile balance of our interdependent ecosystems.
US corn biofuels will expand Gulf of Mexico 'dead zone': scientists

Increased corn production in US is expected to swell the size of the Gulf of Mexico dead zone. Researchers at the University of British Columbia in Canada and the University of Wisconsin in the US predict that increased production of corn for biofuel and animal feed could lead to environmental disaster in the Gulf. Nitrogen runoff from fertilizers would be the main cause of the damage. The scientists concluded that the only way to meet goals for ethanol as a biofuel was to stop raising animals for human consumption that currently consume on a corn-based diet. Our appreciation, esteemed scientists, for your observations. May humanity quickly embrace a vegetarian diet and turn to green energy sources in order to preserve the delicate balance of our eco-sphere.
Hair-like nanowires at root of solar's future
Canadian scientists apply nanotechnology to solar energy production. Dr. Ray LaPierre and his team of researchers at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada are using nanotubes?tiny fibers one thousandth the width of a human hair?to capture the power of the sun. Nanotubes are more efficient solar energy collectors than traditional solar cells and can be applied to a wide range of materials. We commend you, Dr. LaPierre and team, on your innovative and promising research. May God grant you and all who are working to harness the energy of the sun with brilliant success.
Fleshing out the problem of eating meat

FAO report highlights dangers of meat in Asia. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has completed a report on Asian abattoirs, noting the region’s “severe shortcomings” in terms of animal welfare and public health. The report cites many cases of inhumane treatment and bacterial contamination from slaughterhouse waste and improper storage. A big thank you, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, for compiling this vital report. With respect for all God’s creations and the health of our environment, may more people adopt a healthy and compassionate vegetarian diet.
Oceans’ Unfruitful Stretches Multiplying

A satellite study shows that oceans’ barren zones are increasing. Research on satellite data from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the University of Hawaii finds that dead areas of the Atlantic and Pacific have increased 15% since 1998. The findings are consistent with warmer ocean temperatures, which prevent nutrient-rich water from supporting marine life. You have our heartfelt appreciation, scientists, for bringing to light the plight of our oceans. With Heaven’s grace, may our joint efforts bring a return to the health of our marine biosphere.

UAE To Launch First-ever Humanitarian And Environment TV Channel

United Arab Emirates launches humanitarian and environmental TV channel. Deputy Prime Minister Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan announced the start of a television channel devoted exclusively to environmental issues and situations of humanitarian need. His Highness Sheikh Hamdan, said, “The channel will be a real qualitative addition to the media content in the humanitarian field, as it will strive to promote and boost humanitarian and philanthropic works for the service of the needy. The media outlet will also act as an eye-opener to the threats to the environment.” We respectfully salute you, Your Highness and United Arab Emirates, for this excellent new channel. May Allah guide your efforts to inform people of the necessary actions to preserve our Earth, as well as raising awareness about our brethren in need throughout the world. We wish you every success!

Kids teaching kids about the environment

Kids teach kids about protecting the environment. In Santa Monica, California, USA, it’s not uncommon to see 15-year-old high school students teaching groups of 100 or more 8-year-olds how to minimize waste by composting. The youngsters listen with attention and excitement while the older students gain confidence and leadership skills. The program, which began in 1993, is part of a citywide public outreach effort. Bravo, eco-conscious student teachers and city of Santa Monica! May the next generations be blessed with a more sustainable biosphere through your green community efforts.


  Vegetarianism gains popularity in Trinidad and Tobago.- News 14 Mar 2008 
 55 billion animals slaughtered worldwide last year -News 12 Mar 2008 

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