| Save Our Planet |
. Pine trees perishing in North America. - 8 Jan 2009 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Organic farming improves environment while increasing crops. -07 Jan 2009 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. British beach is lost to the sea.- 6 Jan 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Rise in CO2 'affects jumbo squid' - 4 Jan 2009 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Climate change: a dark future for migratory fish - 3 Jan 2009 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. A Price On Carbon Not Enough To Save Rainforests - 2 Jan 2009
. Coral springs back from tsunami - 1 Jan 2009 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Greenland's Ice Glaciers are Losing Nearly Three Times Ice This Year - 31 Dec 2008
. Arctic melt passes the point of no return - 30 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Water resources dwindling in Australia's 'food basket': report - 29 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Wetter and wilder: the signs of warming everywhere - 28 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Top 10 Places Already Affected by Climate Change - 27 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Swiss glaciers 'in full retreat' - 26 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Fifth of world's corals already dead, say experts - 25 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Warming Siberian Arctic is releasing methane - 24 Dec 2008
. Arctic melt impact is far reaching. - 23 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. NASA observations link tropical storms to global warming. - 22 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. 2 trillion tonnes of ice gone since 2003 - 21 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Climate change can quickly alter ocean chemistry. - 20 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Water supplies scarce US states. - 19 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Dr. Jane Goodall urges youth to be veg for the planet. - 18 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Top climatologist Dr. James Hansen calls for less coal and less meat to stop global warming. - 17 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. German assists Tonga in mitigation on climate change - 16 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Metro Vancouver's last glacier on its way out - 15 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Vegan Climate March - 14 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Climate Change Now the Main Driver of Natural Disasters - 13 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Climate Change Set Back For Acidified Rivers - 12 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Are pesticides the biggest timebomb of all for British public health? - 11 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Reef survival depends on farming regulations: WWF - 10 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
. Climate change causing desertification in Mongolia - 9 Dec 2008 If you want to add this video in your blog or on your personal home page, Please click the fallowing link to copy source code  
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