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  Code:  solution-hansen                 

Top climatologist Dr. James Hansen Dr. James Hansen - NASA's top climatologist
"There are many things that people can do to reduce their carbon emissions, but changing your light bulb and many of the things are much less effective than changing your diet, because if you eat further down on the food chain rather than animals, which have produced many greenhouse gases, and used much energy in the process of growing that meat, you can actually make a bigger contribution in that way than just about anything.

So, that, in terms of individual action, is perhaps the best thing you can do."
"My message to you is: Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet."
  Code:  solution-smch                 

Supreme Master Ching HaiSupreme Master Ching Hai - a world-renowned spiritual teacher, artist, and humanitarian
"The root of our problem is that we have been unkind to our co-inhabitants: the living, feeling, walking, acting, loving beings, like animals, of all size and shapes. And we have also been unkind to our environment. We have been massacring our co-inhabitant animals, and we have been destroying our environment, like deforesting and destroying the water and destroying the air. So, in order to solve the problem that we are facing right now, we have to reverse our actions. We have to be kind to our co-inhabitants. Instead of killing them, massacring them, sacrificing them, we have to take care of them. And instead of deforestation, we have to plant trees again. Take care of whatever environment that we have."
  Code:  Overfishing-title                 

Overfishing and Dead zones
  Code:  overfishing                 

Fish fed to farmed animals threaten the ocean’s ecosystem and One-third of world fish catch used for animal feed. The results of a nine-year study by the Institute for Ocean Conservation Science at Stony Brook University and the University of British Columbia found that an alarming 28 million tons of ocean fish are currently being ground up and fed to factory-farmed fish, pigs and chickens.

Dr. Ellen K. Pikitch of Stony Brook University stated, “…It’s an enormous percentage of the world’s fish catch. Skyrocketing pressure on small wild fishes may be putting entire marine food webs at great risk.”

A report by the US-based research and education organization World Policy Institute stated that expanded fishing practices has created a perilous situation for ocean life. A 2003 study showed that 90 percent of the large fish in the oceans had disappeared in the previous 50 years, and the World Policy Institute is now calling for the monies spent on subsidies to the fishing industries to instead be used to create large marine reserves.

The ocean is acidifying from absorbing too much carbon dioxide, and warm temperatures force animals into new habitats. So-called “dead zones” devoid of life can be found spanning areas as large as tens of thousands of square miles. These are caused by both pollution and overfishing.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has reported that up to 80 percent of fished species are now on their way to extinction.

" Fish eating is also very depleting to planetary ecosystem. They have proven that overfishing of sardines has resulted in many dead zones. Because they are there for some reason. They are there for maybe oxidizing the ocean, give life to some other kind of species or cleaning the environment. Whatever the species that God has left on the planet, they have work to do. Just like humans, we have work to do. Animals, they have work to do. It's just many humans think they're useless so they fish them up and eat them. But they're very, very useful to our ecosystem."
Supreme Master Ching Hai - Videoconference with Hamburg Center, Germany – July 18, 2008
  Code:  meat-disease-title                 

Diseases Related to Meat
  Code:  meat-climate-change                 

Meat and Climate Change
  Code:  meat-diseases                 

Some Diseases Related to Meat Consumption
  • Blue tongue disease
  • E. coli
  • Salmonella
  • Bird flu
  • Mad cow disease
  • Pig's disease (PMWS)
  • Listeriosis
  • Shellfish poisoning
  • Pre-eclampsia
  • Swine flu
  • Over 17 million lives lost globally each year
  • Cost of cardiovascular disease is at least US$1 trillion a year
  • Over 1 million new colon cancer patients diagnosed each year
  • More than 600,000 colon cancer-related mortalities annually
  • In the United States alone, colon cancer treatment costs about US$6.5 billion.
  • Millions of people are newly diagnosed with other meat-related cancers every year.
  • 246 million people are affected worldwide
  • An estimated US$174 billion spent each year on treatment.
  • Worldwide 1.6 billion adults are overweight with 400 million more who are obese
  • Costs US$93 billion each year for medical expenses in the United States alone.
  • At least 2.6 million people die annually from problems related to being overweight or obese
  Code:  download                 

  Code:  sos_video                 

Videos on Climate Change
  Code:  environment                 

Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment
  Code:  sos                 

SOS Global Warming
  Code:  te                 

Golden Age Technology
  Code:  sample-booklet                 

Meditation Sample Booklet - The Key of Immediate Enlightenment
  Code:  channel_ads                 

Channel ADs
  Code:  harms_benefits_flyer                 

Harms & Benefits Flyer
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