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Please join us to meditate for World Vegan & World Peace.
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21:00 - 22:00 CET
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World Group Meditation Hours
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World Vegan, World Peace
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SOS Plea From Supreme Master Ching Hai
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Download Entire Climate Change Information Kit (1.42M)
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Supreme Master Ching HaiSupreme Master Ching Hai - a world-renowned spiritual teacher, artist, and humanitarian
At this most urgent time for the planet, I beseech your honorable graces to please help your country and our world spare lives from the impending global warming calamity. If you don’t, there will be too massive a catastrophe, too immense a suffering upon people, families, the children, that our conscience might never be able to bear it.

We eliminate most of the human-made greenhouse gases by simply adopting the animal-free vegan organic lifestyle. This also leads to considerable financial savings for world governments. We cannot wait for the sustainable energy and green technology to be available and used by everyone. It would be too late. We must become vegan to save our planet.
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  • Livestock raising is one of the main drivers of deforestation.4 (UN FAO, 2006)
  • Since the 1990s approximately 90% of Amazonian deforestation has been due to clearing land for grazing cattle or growing feed for livestock.5
  • In Australia, 91% of all tree clearing over a 20-year period has been done for livestock grazing.6 (recent report on a 20-year study commissioned by the Queensland government by Mr. Gerald Bisshop, retired principal scientist of the Queensland Department of Environment and Resources Management)
  • Desertification is caused by overgrazing and expansion of livestock crop-rowing areas.7 (TPN3 Rangeland Management in Arid Areas including the fixation of sand dunes, UNCCD, 2003)
  • Over 50% of the world’s soil erosion is caused by livestock, which leads to desertification.8
  • Some 75 billion tons of topsoil are being eroded annually due to agricultural mismanagement, climate change, and livestock grazing. In the United States alone, 54% of pasture land is overgrazed, with more than 100 tons of topsoil lost per hectare per year.9 (A study presented by Professor John Crawford at the recent Carbon Farming Conference held in New South Wales, Australia)
  • In 2010, Iraq, China, Chad, Australia, and Mongolia, among others, reported serious drought, with livestock grazing making conditions worse.
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  • Dr. John Holdren, president of American Association for the Advancement of Science, predicts a possible 4-meter sea level rise by end of the century,16 and Dr. James Hansen, NASA’s head of Goddard Institute for Space Studies, has stated the likelihood of a 5-meter sea level rise by end of the century.17 (2006, 2007, respectively.)
  • A sea level rise of even 1 meter would result in over 100 million climate refugees and endanger major cities like London, Cairo, Bangkok, Venice, New York, and Shanghai.18
  • Examples of countries affected by sea level rise:

    • Âu Lạc (Vietnam). At the nation’s rice bowl region, the Mekong Delta, ocean salt water has encroached an unprecedented 60 kilometers up-river in 2010, threatening 100,000 hectares of rice.19
    • Thailand. Seawater is expected to reach Bangkok’s ground level in 25 years. 20(GEodetic Earth Observation Technologies for Thailand: Environmental Change Detection and Investigation, 2010)
    • Egypt. More than 58 meters of coastline have vanished every year since 1989 in Rasheed.21 (Omran Frihy of the Coastal Research Institute, 2010)

  • Sea level rise caused at least 18 island nations to completely disappear while many more coastal areas are continually threatened.22 More than 40 other island nations are at risk from rising sea levels.23
  • Sea level rise threatens half of the world's population living within 200 kilometers of a coastline. Already, low-lying coastal regions and deltas see effects: 17 million in Bangladesh have fled their homes, mainly because of coastal erosion. Groundwater sources are contaminated by saltwater in Israel and Thailand, small island states in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and the Caribbean Sea, and in some of the world's major deltas, such as the Yangtze Delta and Mekong Delta.24
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  • Half the world’s population will face serious food shortages within the century. 14(University of Washington researchers, in Science, 2009)
  • Harvests already distressed by drought or floods in Russia, Germany, Canada, Argentina, Australia, Ukraine, Pakistan, etc. (Sept 2010)15
  • Food prices rose 5% globally in August 2010. In Mozambique, food riots in response to raised bread prices led to 10 fatalities and 300 injuries. (Sept 2010)16,17,18
  • High food prices that sparked deadly 2008 food riots worldwide were due to a combination of climate change and increased demand for animal feed from populations in India and China. (UN World Food Program)19
  • The number of people suffering from hunger exceeded 1 billion for the first time in 2009.20
  • Over 9 million people die worldwide each year because of hunger and malnutrition. Five million are children.21
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  • Within 50 years, there could be irreversible drought (permanent desertification) in the southwestern US, Southeast Asia, Eastern South America, Western Australia, Southern Europe, Southern Africa, and northern Africa. 1(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA), 2009)
  • The percentage of Earth's land area gripped by severe drought more than doubled from the 1970s to the early 2000s.2 (Dai, 2004)
  • Examples of recent regional droughts:
    • China’s northern region, where 10-meter deep cracks began to appear in fields. Without drastic changes in water use, there could be tens of millions of environmental refugees from China appearing within the next ten years.3 (Sept 2010)
    • Having just faced historic floods in 2009 due to a record rise in Amazon River water levels, several communities in Brazil’s Amazonas state have been isolated by drought and can no longer be accessed by boat, only by foot through the forest. 4,5(Sept 2010)
    • Iraq, China, Chad, Australia, Mongolia, Africa’s Sahel region, among others, have been suffering drought conditions in 2010.6,7,8,9,10,11

  • The world's rivers are in a “crisis state” on a global scale. Water supplies for nearly 80% of the world’s populations are highly threatened. Nearly a third of sources studied are also highly jeopardized by biodiversity loss.22,23 (US researchers Professor Peter McIntyre of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and City College of New York modeler Charles Vörösmarty)
  • Recent regional reports on water shortage:
    • The Middle East’s water supply has shrunk to a quarter of its 1960 level.24 (Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED), 2010)
    • The Tigris and Euphrates rivers dropped to less than a third of their normal levels due to drought.25 (UN Inter-Agency Information and Analysis Unit (IAU))
    • UK’s increasingly hotter, drier summers could cause extreme water shortages as river flows are reduced by 80%.26,27 (Britain’s Government Office for Science, 2010)
  • Sources of groundwater for wells, which support half our world’s population, are running dry.28 (Lance Endersbee, Monasy University, Australia)
  • 1.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water.29 (World Health Organization, 2005)
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  • Extreme weather events are becoming more intense and more frequent.12,13 (IPCC 2007)
  • Some of 2010’s major disaster events:
    • Russian heat wave and fires. The summer 2010 heat wave as well as the polluted air from the forest fires caused fatalities in Moscow to double to a total of 700 people per day. 14,15 (Russian Academy of Sciences) City officials of Moscow, Russia reported a 60% increase in the mortality rate this past summer, when nearly 11,000 of the city’s inhabitants perished due to the effects of excessive smog and record high temperatures. 16
    • Pakistani floods. Massive floods, the worst in nation’s history, result in about 2,000 fatalities, more than 20 million injured or homeless. One‐fifth of country was underwater.17
    • Chinese landslides. Nationwide floods and landslides leave over 3,100 killed and over 1,000 missing in 2010 alone. Floods across China increased sevenfold since the 1950s. 18
    • Brazil was also struck by extreme heavy floods in April and June 2010 with hundreds of fatalities each time.19
    • Poland suffered her worst flooding in decades in May 2010.20
    • Forest fires raged in Portugal in summer 2010, spurred on by low humidity levels, strong winds, and temperatures reaching record highs of 40 degrees Celsius.21
    • In Chad and Nigeria in 2010, drought then floods that wiped out the small amounts of food crops left after the drought.22
    • Extreme cold and snow storms in 2010 in India, Northern Europe, North America, and South America
    • A lot of earthquakes and volcano activity in 2010 disrupted Indonesia, Iceland, Turkey, Chile, Haiti, etc.
    • Global warming can cause ice-capped volcanoes like Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull to more easily erupt due to the ice loss causing a release of pressure on the hot rocks beneath the Earth’s surface. 23(Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2010)
    • Landslides and avalanches in high mountains have increased over the past decade due to global warming. Volcanoes are increasingly at risk of collapse with mega-landslides that could bury cities. 24 (David Pyle, a volcanologist at the University of Oxford, Bill McGuire of University College London and Rachel Lowe at the University of Exeter, UK)
    • Glacial lake outburst floods are increasing as lakes from glacial melt grow in number and size. 25(International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Kathmandu, 2010)
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