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  Code:  nl                 

Our Noble Lineage
  Code:  extending_life_planet                 

The continuation of our precious planet has been extended for another half century and counting.
  Code:  thanks_letter                 

Letter for government leaders and media
  Code:  solution-smch3                 

Supreme Master Ching HaiSupreme Master Ching Hai - a world-renowned spiritual teacher, artist, and humanitarian
Livestock is the primary human-caused emitter of methane, and methane not only has 72 times the heat-trapping ability, it is a shorter-lived gas.

This means that it will leave the atmosphere much faster than CO2, within just a decade as opposed to thousands of years for CO2. Therefore, eliminating methane by eliminating livestock breeding is the fastest way to cool the planet.
  Code:  hl                 

Healthy Living
  Code:  dst_off                 

Daylight Saving Time Off
  Code:  dst_on                 

Daylight Saving Time On
  Code:  non_sub                 

Non Subtitle Videos
  Code:  read_mr                 

Read More
  Code:  urgent-msg-dec                 

Climate Change Conference : Leaders Preserving Our Future: Pace and Priorities on Climate Change - Nov. 3, 2010, United Kingdom
  Code:  urgent-msg                 

Urgent Message
  Code:  striking-info                 

SOS: Striking Information
  Code:  solutions-for-planet                 

SOLUTIONS for the PLANET from Supreme Master Ching Hai
  Code:  urgent-msg-smch                 

An Urgent Message from Supreme Master Ching Hai
  Code:  how_to_med                 

How to Meditate
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