An Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai by Journalist Charles Norton for The House Magazine August 8, 2009   
Part 1, 2, 3    

On Saturday, August 8, Supreme Master Ching Hai accepted the invitation to an interview by journalist Charles Norton for an article that appeared in The House Magazine on September 18, 2009.

The House Magazine is a prestigious and impartial political publication that is most read weekly by Members of Parliaments of both Houses and within the Palace of Westminster in the United Kingdom.

The interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai, which took place via videoconference, covered a broad range of topics, from the current critical state of global warming, the harmful impact of methane, organic farming to the melting of the Arctic permafrost to the detrimental planetary impact of raising livestock for human consumption.
It also delved into the immense benefits of the organic vegan solution to immediately curb global warming.

We now present the interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai by journalist Charles Norton for The House Magazine.

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