Animal World

Animal Ambassadors:Edgar’s Mission
Supreme Master TV's 3rd Anniversary Special:In Praise of Our Loving Animal Co-Inhabitants
Special Needs Children and Special Dolphins: The Water Planet Story
Shining World Hero: The Life-Saving Act of Jeune Mark
Songs of the Sea: The Oceania Project with Trish and Wally Franklin,
Joakin Bello’s Heart-to-Heart Connection with the Animals (In Spanish)
Vietna Of Honor and Reverence (In Aulacese)
Shining World Hero Award: Mrs. Horáčková and Mr. Stromsnes Say “No” to Factory Farming (In Czech)
Listening to the Animals:The Dutch Dr. Doolittle Linda Roosloot (In Dutch)
Shining World Compassion: Help for Wildlife - the Angels of Australia
Stewards of the Oceans:The Magnificent Whales
The Pig Preserve – Building a Peaceful Paradise for Pigs,
Shining World Heroes: Gallant Canine Friends Lexi and Cookie
Shining World Compassion Award: Ms. Yeung Yeung’s Haven for Beloved Bovines (In Cantonese)
Furry Tales from Finnish Animal Telepathic Communicator Maiccu Kostiainen (In Finnish)
International Sites