Relief news update from central Âu Lạc (Vietnam) - 31 Dec 2009  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from central Âu Lạc (Vietnam).
In early November, tropical storm Mirinae struck the provinces of Bình Định, Phú Yên and others in central Âu Lạc, claiming the lives of some two dozen people as it spread flooding and damage throughout villages in the region.

On November 4, Supreme Master Ching Hai offered US$15,000 to help the most desperate, including the orphaned, the elderly and neglected victims. This amount could purchase US$252,000 in essential supplies if bought in the United States, based on Âu Lạc’s cost of living.

Our Aulacese (Vietnamese) Association’s relief team went to the affected areas as soon as possible, spending approximately US$1,600 of their own funds for transportation and related expenses.

Traveling by truck and boat over partially submerged roads, they first delivered 100 food packages to an isolated hamlet in Phù Cát District. The relief items included instant noodles, cooking oil, drinking water, sandwiches, and emergency cash aid.

With the help of local government officials, another 100 packages were also brought to the heavily impacted Vân Canh District, as well as cash donations that were given to each of six families who had suffered from lives lost in the floods.  

Relief recipient – Vân Canh district, Bình Định province (M): Supreme Master Ching Hai has offered her sympathy and a very valuable gift to our family. This gift, I will forever remember all my life. I’m grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

VOICE: We join in thanking Supreme Master Ching Hai for her deep concern and timely aid, as well as our Association’s relief team for their dedicated efforts to relieve the flood victims in central Âu Lạc.
Wishing for everyone’s fast recuperation to stable daily lives, we pray that such weather extremities subside through our gentler stewardship of the Earth.