Relief News Update from Indonesia - 05 Dec 2010  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Indonesia.

In late October, a massive 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit off the western coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, followed minutes later by a huge three-meter tsunami that resulted in the loss of about 450 lives and displacement of nearly 15,000 others along with widespread destruction across several Mentawai islands.

With deep sorrow and her prayers, Supreme Master Ching Hai donated US$10,000 in emergency aid, asking that our nearby Association members please go to help the most desperate. With an additional contribution of US$7,000 from our Association members, our Indonesian Association members began the relief work as soon as conditions permitted. The combined US$17,000 could acquire US$197,000 in urgent materials if obtained in the United States, based on Indonesia’s cost of living.

Upon consulting with the Indonesian Red Cross Society, the relief team purchased vegan food items including biscuits, instant noodles, green beans and rice, along with tents, clothing, kitchen utensils and medicine. After flying to Padang Island, they rented a boat to distribute the items. Although travel was hindered by high tides, inclement weather and periodic engine trouble, the relief team and supplies finally reached the Mentawai island of North Pagai.

Our Association members proceeded to the Sikakap Clinic where they gave the staff medicine to treat the storm victims. After checking with the West Sumatra Disaster Management Agency to see which villages had not yet received aid, they used two small boats to deliver the relief items to eight villages in North and South Pagai islands. At Muntei baru-baru village, residents were in disbelief that anyone would come to directly bring them help, as normally only helicopters dared to land on the island. Our Association members discovered later that it was only after they successfully arrived at this village that a large ship carrying other relief aid also came to Muntei baru-baru. Throughout the mission, the relief recipients said they were very touched by Master’s gifts and wished to thank her for her love and blessings.

We are grateful for the help of the Indonesian Red Cross Society and West Sumatra Disaster Management Agency as we also thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for her unconditional support and our Association’s relief team for their diligent efforts. With Allah’s blessings, may all those affected smoothly recover their regular day-to-day lives, as we pray that such devastations are minimized through humanity’s more caring stewardship of the ecosphere.