Chimpanzees born to enjoy music - 5 Aug 2009  
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A study led by Tasuku Sugimoto and Kazuhide Hashiya of Kyushu University in Japan found that musical appreciation is inclusive not only of humans.

Indeed, chimpanzees innately enjoy melodious tunes. Seventeen-week-old chimpanzee Sakura, who had come into their care after being found with no mother, was given a pull string on a handle so that she could voluntarily replay songs of her choice.

Some of the selected music was deliberately dissonant. Through all six trials, Sakura chose the pleasant music considerably more frequently than the inharmonious tunes. 

What delightful findings! Our appreciation, researchers Sugimoto and Hashiya for revealing yet another trait that we happily share with our animal co-inhabitants.

Blessed be our world in harmonious co-existence and shared appreciation among all beings. 
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