New Astra and Hotbird Transponder |
For all Astra and Hotbird viewers, Supreme Master Television has changed transponders. To watch Supreme Master Television on the new transponders, please use the downlink parameters as follows:
New Astra Transponder ASTRA at 19.2º E Transponder: 1068 Frequency: 11778 Polarization: Vertical Symbol Rate: 27500 FEC: 3/4
New Hotbird Transponder HOTBIRD at 13° E Transponder: 92 Frequency: 12558 Polarization: Vertical Symbol Rate: 27500 FEC: 3/4
We will cease to air on the old Astra and Hotbird transponders starting September 1, 2011. After this date, Supreme Master Television will air only on the new transponders.
So please tune in to Supreme Master Television on the NEW Astra and Hotbird transponders at your earliest convenience.
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