Special interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai on Thursday. |
The conference, “World Vegan, World Peace – A Conscious Choice,” has invited dignitaries and the public to the University of Chicago in Illinois, USA on Thursday, August 11 for a videoconference interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai by the Honorable Frank Avila, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, who is also a vegan.
Joining the discussion will be Commissioner Patricia Horton of the same distinguished government agency, along with Ms. Sherry Avila, a vegan teacher and docent for the Loyola University Museum of Art and for the Irish American Heritage Center.
Setting aside precious time from her extremely full schedule, guest of honor Supreme Master Ching Hai agreed share her thoughts on ways toward world peace and restoring nature's balance.
The event will also celebrate compassion and the environment through performances by both US and international artists, including debut songs setting to music the uplifting and beautiful poetry of Supreme Master Ching Hai.
Our appreciation, Commissioners Avila and Horton as well as Ms. Avila, for your caring hearts that have made this meaningful event possible.
We are also thankful for Supreme Master Ching Hai's valued presence and insights that benefit all beings as we pray for humanity's awakening to foster a fully harmonious Earth.
The videoconference “World Vegan, World Peace – A Conscious Choice” with Supreme Master ChingHai will be broadcast live on Supreme Master Television Thursday, August 11, starting at 4:30 pm local time,or 11:30 pm Central European Time.
For more information, please visit www.WorldVeganWorldPeace.org

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