Patrick Reynolds: “A Talk With Your Kids About Smoking”
Ông Phan Tấn Lộc: Một Nông Gia Sống Bằng Nước
Dr. Zareen Patel - Guardian of Doggie Angels in Pune, India (In Hindi)
Climate Change Scientist Dr. Stephen Schneider on the State of Our Planet
Stop Whale Hunting Now!
Animal Place: A Loving Refuge for Farmed Animals
“Changes in Climate, Changes in Lives” - A Message from Greenpeace Brasil, (In Portuguese)
Let's Make the Change - Protect the Environment - June 4 2009 Veracruz, Mexico
Ways to Vibrant Health: Answers from Nutritionist Anne-Marie Roy (In French)
Sacred Earth: A Journey to the World’s Holy Places with Martin Gray
Emanuel Swedenborg and Swedenborgianism: The Spiritual Church of Our Connected Souls (In Swedish)
Golden Girl Bette Calman:The 83-Year-Young Yoga Star
Let Food Be Our Medicine - Dr. Brian Clement of the Hippocrates Health Institute
The Dangers of Drugs Excerpts of Supreme Master Ching Hai's Lectures
The United Nations International Day Against Drug Abuse
International Sites