Solutions - Other Considerations
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  • Health. A study conducted by Harvard University with tens of thousands of men and women found that regular meat consumption increases colon cancer risk by 300%. In fact, meat consumption is linked to leading diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, and obesity. A vegan diet significantly helps prevent and reverse these conditions. (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine)
  • World hunger.If everyone ate a plant-based diet, there would be enough food to satisfy 10 billion people.
  • Economics. By shifting to a vegan diet, the world’s governments would save US$32 trillion by 2050, or a full 80% of total climate mitigation costs. (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency)
  • If farmers in the American Midwest switched from raising livestock to growing fruits and vegetables, US$882 million could be generated in regional sales, with 9,300 jobs created and labor income increased by US$395 million. 
  • Producing veg alternatives to meat products is considered a smart and attractive opportunity for the food industry. (Goodland)
  • UN recommends tax on livestock.
    A report issued by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recommends levying fees for livestock as a way to reduce this sector’s emission of greenhouse gases, currently estimated at 7,000 billion tons of CO2 equivalent annually.
  • The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the European Commission calls for less meat.  UNEP and European Commission have jointly launched a major report calling for radical change in the way that economies use resources, emphasizing that a global drop in meat consumption is vital to avoid devastating impacts to the environment.

Nguồn liệu
  1. Analysis of Health Problems Associated with High-Protein, High-Fat, Carbohydrate-Restricted Diets Reported via an Online Registry (2004, May 25). Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine [PCRM]. Retrieved January 11, 2011 from
  2. World Animal Foundation (n.d.). Vegetarianism Eating for Life. Retrieved January 11, 2011 from
  3. ibid 14
  4. Swenson, D. (2010, March). Selected Measures of the Economic Values of Increased Fruit and Vegetable Production and Consumption in the Upper Midwest. Iowa State University, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture. Retrieved January 11, 2011 from
  5. Goodland, R. and Anhang, J. (2009, December) : Livestock and Climate Change. World Watch Magazine 22(6). Retrieved January 11, 2011 from Worldwatch institute website
  6. Blas, J. (2010, February 18). Call for tax on livestock emissions. Financial Times. Retrieved January 11, 2011
  7. UN green crusade plans tax on livestock wind (2010, February 18). Retrieved January 11, 2011 from
  8. ibid 1.
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 Solutions - Organic Vegan Farming