Slovenian Dessert Specialty: Prekmurska Gibanica (Prekmurian Layer Cake) (In Slovenian)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
200 grams flour
1 kilogram apples
400 grams tofu
250 grams ground walnuts
300 grams raisins
Juice of 1 lemon
Vegan cream
Brown sugar

  1. Add in a little bit of water in the dough, a pinch of salt, and begin to knead.
  2. Add in the sugar, knead again.
  3. When the dough is about the right density, put it on the board.
  4. Make a round, small loaf from the dough and oil the surface so that it won’t dry off and later it will be easier to roll out.
  5. Take another bowl, oil it too, so the dough won’t stick to it.
  6. Divide the dough into four to make four layers.
  7. Take each dough and make small oiled balls.
  8. Put the dough in the bowl and cover it and let it sit at least half an hour.
  9. Meanwhile, crumble the tofu, add in 3 tablespoon of sugar, 4 tablespoons of vegan cream.
  10. Add in one whole lemon juice. And mix all together really well. The stuffing is ready.
  11. Take the apple, peel it, and then grate it.
  12. Oil the baking pan.
  13. Take one dough and roll it so that it fit into the baking pan.
  14. Spread the dough out all over the baking pan.
  15. Use half of the mix tofu and spread it evenly all over the dough.
  16. Sprinkle half of the walnuts on top of the tofu.
  17. Add half of the grated apples, half of the pre-soaked raisins, and cinnamon.
  18. Add 2 tablespoon of sugar.
  19. Roll out the next dough layer.
  20. Sprinkle 2 tablespoon of sugar evenly on top of the second dough.
  21. Pour over the vegan cream.
  22. Roll out the third part of dough.
  23. Spread the tofu, the walnuts, the apples, the raisins and the cinnamon. Spread them all evenly.
  24. Add 2 tablespoon of sugar.
  25. Roll out the last part of the dough.
  26. Put the cake in the oven for 1 hour at 160 degrees Celcius.
  27. When it’s done, take the cake out of the oven, and let it cool before cut into pieces.
  28. Ready to be served.

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