Những thiên tài nhỏ khỏe mạnh tại trường tiểu học ăn chay Les Sylphides ở Lomé, Togo (1/2)      
Phần 1
Phần 2
Greetings, friends and viewers, from Lomé, Togo! We have a fieldtrip planned for you today and tomorrow’s show to visit a unique vegetarian kindergarten and primary school named Les Sylphides.

Students sing: Spoken in French
Oh, my country!
Oh, my country!
You who always fed me well.
I sing your name my beautiful country, i, i, i, e
You are the first, among the firsts
Land of dreams, land of happiness
Everyone strives, country of happiness
You are the first, among the firsts
Oh you, Togo!

HOST: Les Sylphides was co-founded in 1995 by retired school teacher Mr. Ankudé Koffi Laurent and Mrs. Ankudé Adjoko Victorine. Inspired by the story of “Les Sylphides” and “sylphs,” Mr. Laurent called the young school children “les sylphides,” which he attributes as meaning little geniuses and graceful beings of the air.
Thus, the school was given the same name. Its motto is Work-discipline -Respect – in order to do good work, one must have discipline and a respect for others. It seeks to teach the young generation through these ideals, and inspire them with good work ethics from an early age.

In 2005, , school co-founder and director, Mrs. Ankudé, who is also a member of our Association, was moved by her compassion for animals and decided to transform Les Sylphides into a vegetarian school.
The remarkable transition was welcomed by the students and their parents, as well as the school staff. Many have noticed improvements in their health and in the performance of the students.

Supreme Master Television visited Les Sylphides to talk to Mrs. Ankudé, teachers, school chefs, and some students to learn more about this unique primary school.

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