Fish consumption causes environmental devastation. - 26 Mar 2009  
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Fish consumption causes environmental devastation.
A Canadian Medical Association Journal report urges health care practitioners to recommend plant-based fats instead of fish because health benefits from have actually been found to be questionable, and the devastation to global fish supply is clear.|
Their report states, “These trends imply the collapse of all commercially exploited stocks by mid-century. Yet the dire status of fisheries resources is largely unrecognized by the public, who are both encouraged to eat more fish and are misled into believing we live in a sea of plenty.” The scientists also point out that commercial fisheries are not a viable solution because up to five pounds of small fish are taken from the ocean to grow one pound of commercial fish. They suggest that healthcare practitioners instead recommend the healthy Omega-3 fatty acids from algae, yeast, and other plant sources.

We are encouraged by your report, Canadian researchers. Our prayers that people everywhere receive this message and understand that plant-based foods preserve our own health and that of our valued aquatic co-inhabitants.

In a videoconference in December 2008 with dignitaries and the media in California, USA, Supreme Master Ching Hai emphasized the spiritual need to include all animals, including fish, in a compassionate meat-free diet.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
Celestial Art Book Premiere – English edition California, USA December 12, 2008

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I was informed also that people eat all kinds of things and call themselves vegetarian, even chicken vegetarian and fish vegetarian and all that. So now the definition is vegan. Vegan means absolutely no to all animal products, even to wear or to advertise for it, or to support anybody who does harm to animals in anyway at all.

We have to protect the animals because that means protecting our great Selves. Because our great Self is love, our true Self is compassion. If we do not protect the animals, that means we are damaging, ruining, depleting, harming our true Self, which is love, which is noble, which is compassion. That’s what it is, protect others means protect us. Protect animals means we’re growing in greatness. We recognize again our great Self.

First vegetables from Thanet Earth go on sale
Thanet Earth hydroponic gardens opens in UK. Created by the United Kingdom's largest fresh produce supplier, Fresca Group, along with several independent Dutch growers, Thanet Earth is being constructed as home to seven very large greenhouses, each containing vegetables grown year round in nutrient-rich liquid instead of soil.

This fresh hydroponically grown produc, grown in sustainable conditions that include CO2 recycling back to the plants, can develop up to four times faster and save at least 20% of the water used in conventional growing methods. Tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers are among Thanet Earth’s first harvests being enjoyed by the public, with the project expected to provide many new jobs and an extra 15 percent of Britain’s salad crops.

A green thumbs up, Fresca Group and Dutch growers, for this large-scale achievement in hydroponic agriculture! As science advances with wisdom, may our compassion also expand in providing adequate nourishment for all.

80 whales and dolphins stranded in Australia
Beached whales in Australia rescued. On Monday, a pod of 87 long-finned pilot whales and 5 bottlenose dolphins became the fifth large pod since November. To be stranded on a beach in Western Australia state. Tragically, over 70 whales and 1 dolphin had already perished in the beaching, but rescuers were able to help 18 of the remaining marine mammals to the safety of the sea by Tuesday evening. Scientists do not know what is causing the increased cases of stranding, but Mike Bossley of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society stated, “Certain species of whales are more prone to mass strandings because the social bonds between them are incredibly strong. If one animal is in trouble, the others won't leave him.”

Our hearts are saddened to know of the tragic fate of the marine co-inhabitants that did not survive. Let us strive even more to restore the conditions that protect these and other beautiful creations of the Divine..