Learning to eat the vegetarian way - 1 tháng 3, 2008  
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China sources census next month

China launches national pollution census. As part of the country’s environmental drive, China launched her first nationwide pollution census on Tuesday. By surveying and identifying sources of pollution, the data will assist the central government in forming environmental protection policies. Kudos China for embarking on a marvelous journey towards a cleaner and greener future. May Heaven guide China to progress in wisdom and love toward ever-expanding sustainable living.

Heavy fines await water polluters

China gets tough on water pollution. On Thursday, China passed an amendment to the water pollution law where steeper fines would be implemented. The law states, “Enterprise heads directly responsible for causing severe water pollution incidents and others with direct responsibility would be fined up to half of their income in the previous year.” Kudos, China, for committing to cleaner water for the safety of your people. May you continue in your laudable progress towards a healthy, clean Earth for all.
Learning to eat the vegetarian way

Residents of Shreveport, Louisiana, USA learn to prepare vegetarian food. Kathy Farmer and Chris Simpson help people learn the basic ingredients and principles for creating healthful, delicious “Meatless Main Dishes” in a weekly cooking class held at the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Barbara Cooksey was one class participant who stated she was exploring vegetarianism because she and her husband wanted to go into their senior years as healthy as possible. God bless you Kathy and Chris for helping a whole community of people embrace a healthier and more compassionate lifestyle. May Heaven smile on the new vegetarians as they discover the health and joy that accompany the life-affirming diet.
Indian vegetarian meals made quick, easy, creative

Indian man demonstrates the ease of cooking traditional vegetarian fare. When Sukumaran Muralidharan left his homeland, he realized the simple vegetarian fare he had taken for granted in South India was not available. Now in the US, the biotechnology expert has written “A Short Course in Culinary Experiments: Vegetarian Indian Cuisine for Innovative Non-Experts.” This book inspires creative, tasty, and quick cooking in the kitchen. Sounds delicious! Thank you Mr. Muralidharan for making South Indian vegetarian food more readily accessible! May your book be blessed with the greatest of success!
Google, News Corp., Patagonia, Others Form Calif. Green Power Group

California companies cooperate on promoting green energy. Fourteen companies in California, USA are teaming up to share their expertise on making the transition to renewable energy. They are: Advanced Micro Devices, Apple, BT Americas, Cisco, eBay, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Intuit, Levi Strauss, News Corporation, Pactiv Corporation, Patagonia, and Wal-Mart. Their affiliation is called the California Green Power Group. We applaud your collaboration, green Californian companies! May your important work bring great sustainable benefit to our environment.

Sự mất đi rừng Nam Dương gây hại khí hậu, nguy hiểm đến thú vật

Mức thán khí thải chỉ từ một tỉnh ở Nam Dương vượt hơn cả các quốc gia kỹ nghệ tân tiến. Tổ chức Quốc tế Rộng lớn cho Thiên nhiên (WWF) gần đây ấn hành tường trình về tỉnh Riau ở Nam Dương, nơi mà trên 25 năm qua đã đưa vào bầu không khí một số lượng khí thải nhà kính khổng lồ qua việc làm mất đi 65% các khu rừng xanh tươi và đầm gỗ mục cổ xưa. Ngoài thán khí thải, là kết quả của hoạt động sản xuất giấy và dầu dừa, việc đốn rừng khiến thú hoang ở vùng này bị nguy hiểm rất lớn. Cám ơn Tổ chức Quốc tế Rộng lớn cho Thiên nhiên, qua báo cáo quan trọng và kịp thời này. Chúng tôi cầu nguyện con người trên thế giới sẽ hợp tác làm việc để ngăn chặn sự phá hủy tại những địa điểm như Riau và cứu vãn các nơi sinh thái bảo tồn sự sống trên toàn cầu.

Rừng mưa Amazon sẽ bị thu hẹp một nửa trong 20 năm tới

Các khoa học gia Anh cho biết rừng mưa Amazon có thể bị thu hẹp một nửa trong 20 năm tới. Báo cáo của nhà sinh thái rừng nhiệt đới, Tiến sĩ Daniel C. Nepstad và các đồng khoa học gia gần đây trong Hội Trao đổi Triết học Hoàng gia Anh, cho thấy nếu mức độ phá rừng hiện nay vẫn không được kiểm tra, 55% diện tích rừng mưa Amazon ở Nam Mỹ có thể tiêu tan do bị đốn chặt, hạn hán, hỏa hoạn trong 2 thập kỷ tới. Trong tiến trình này, 15 – 26 tỷ tấn thán khí sẽ thoát ra vào không khí, làm nghiêm trọng thêm vấn đề hâm nóng toàn cầu. Cám ơn Tiến sĩ Nepstad, các khoa học gia đáng kính và Thượng Đế gia hộ quý vị cho nghiên cứu hết sức giá trị này. Mong việc bảo tồn và các biện pháp bảo vệ khác giúp làm giảm mức độ phá rừng để rừng mưa Amazon vĩ đại trở lại trạng thái lộng lẫy, nguyên sơ.

Rash thinking

Dutch entrepreneur develops viable alternative to cotton. Mr. Bob Crebas of Holland had found that cotton is responsible for 36% of all insecticides and pesticides used in the world. To his surprise, he discovered that clothing could be made from the silky thread of the common stinging nettle, which is stronger and finer than other fashion textiles. The development of nettle fabric thus provides a healthy and sustainable fashion alternative for its growers and the environment. Kudos, Mr. Crebas, on your encouraging development of sustainable fabric. Such ethical and sustainable fashion shows us that we can enjoy all aspects of an eco-friendly and conscientious lifestyle.

New York City's black taxis going green

New York City’s car services to go green. On Wednesday, New York City’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced a fuel efficiency plan for the city’s 10,000 black cars and limousines. These vehicles, which often service the business community, will be required to meet a fuel efficiency standard of 25 miles per gallon by next year and 30 miles per gallon by 2010. This is part of a larger plan to shift all of New York City’s cabs towards hybrid technology by 2012. Way to go Mayor Bloomberg! Congratulations New York City on your initiatives to reduce the city’s carbon footprint! We look forward to the day when we’re all hailing green cabs.

Alaska town sues 24 energy companies on climate change

Native Alaskan villagers take greenhouse gas polluters to court. Residents of the town of Kivalina, located north of the Arctic Circle in Alaska, USA are suing five major companies for contributing to global warming. The law suit states that the “houses and buildings [of Kivalina] are in imminent danger of falling into the sea as the village is battered by storms and its ground crumbles from underneath it.” The native Inupiat residents of Kivulina are seeking relocation reimbursement from five companies known to produce massive amounts of greenhouse gases: Exxon Mobil, BP, Chevron, Peabody Energy, and American Electric Power. We offer our prayers, Kivulina residents for your safety and the protection of your loving homes. With the grace of Providence, may all companies transition to 100% sustainable practices to save our great Earth and all her inhabitants.