Fighting hunger with flood-tolerant rice - 8 Feb 2009  
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Fighting hunger with flood-tolerant rice
Scientists develop new flood-tolerant rice plants. Using an organic, non-genetically modified approach, a team of scientists comprising of Dr. Pamela Ronald, at the University of California, Davis, USA; Dr. David Mackill, of the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines; and Dr. Julia Bailey-Serres at the University of California, Riverside, USA, have successfully produced flood-resistant rice plants. After identifying the flood-resistant quality in an Indian rice variety, the scientists were able to produce rice that could survive being submerged in water for 17 days. The new rice has been tested for three years in flood-prone areas of Bangladesh and India with three- to five-fold increases in yield due to flood tolerance. Last December, the US Department of Agriculture presented one of its highest research awards to the three scientists for their work on this submergence-tolerant rice.

International researchers, we express our appreciation for your work together on this beneficial development. May Heaven bestow many people with the security of abundant harvests as we strive to restore the stability of our environment.

Britain's ponds to double to 1 million
UK charity bringing ponds back to life. Based on a highly successful pilot project, the British organization Pond Conservation is launching a program called Million Ponds to restore these vital water bodies across the United Kingdom. With financial support from the Tubney Charitable Trust, the Million Ponds campaign seeks to restore the ponds and their many freshwater inhabitants.

A green kudos, Pond Conservation, Tubney Charitable Trust, and all participants of this noble project. We wish you much success in reviving the natural harmony and beauty of the valued ponds.

Join 'The Greenathon' India's first ever 24 hour live programming, only on NDTV
India hosts 24-hour greening event. On February 7 and February 8, nationally broadcast New Delhi Television Limited (NDTV) and Japanese auto manufacturer Toyota are sponsoring the “Greenathon,” a 24-hour continuous program presenting eco-awareness activities staged across the country along with fund raising for the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and its “Light a Billion Lives” project of providing solar illumination to less fortunate villages in India. This first-ever Greenathon was inaugurated by Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, Nobel-prize winning Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Director-General of TERI.

Way to go, New Delhi Television Limited, Toyota and India! With Heaven’s grace and constructive media such as yours, surely our world can quickly make the necessary adjustments to save our precious planet.