Peru showing impacts of the salmon industry. - 22 Apr 2009  
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Peru showing impacts of the salmon industry.
Peruvian fishmeal, a product made primarily from anchovy fish that is fed to farmed salmon, is mass produced and exported to international destinations. However, it is becoming clear that along with the loss of aquatic animal life, humans and the environment are paying the price. Videojournalists Andrew Wasley and Jim Wickens of the environmental magazine “Ecologist” documented some of the impacts of fishmeal production in two regions of Peru.

In Chimbote, where 40 fishmeal plants are located, the journalists observed dense black smoke filling the streets when the plants were operational, with locals reporting a high incidence of asthma, especially in children, as well as lung and skin problems from the polluted air. Other effects of fishmeal manufacturing, according to Peruvian environmental groups Mundo Azul and Natura, include the creation of dead zones in the sea and sharply declining bird populations.

Finally, ecology Professor John Volpe at the University of Victoria, Australia, says that Peruvian fishmeal production is a sign of a larger dilemma being created by the salmon industry. He stated, “Salmon is not cheap. We’ve created a way for it to be cheap for the consumer by shifting the cost to ecosystems and social communities, who are being degraded in the name of cheap salmon.”

Our grateful appreciation, videojournalists Wasley and Wickens, Ecologist magazine, organizations Mundo Azul and Natura, Professor Volpe and all others for your clear, factual observations that show the multitude of harmful effects from just one aspect of fish production. We pray for humanity’s ever expanding awareness and adoption of the plant-based lifestyle as the most effective way to safeguard the survival of our amazing Earth and all her wondrous inhabitants.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently expressed her great concern about the appallingly damaging ways of animal farming, and the determining place it has on the near future of our planet. The following is one such reminder of reasons why we must refrain from consuming animal products, as spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai during a radio interview with host of “Go Vegan with Bob Linden” Radio based in California, USA, on September 3, 2008.

Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai
by Bob Linden of “Go Vegan with Bob Linden” Radio California, USA September 3, 2008

Supreme Master Ching Hai: But now that the time is short, and the situation is urgent so I went all out just to inform people that it’s not only cruelty to animals when we are eating meat and dairy, but it is also harming our health and destroying the planet, and it is very urgent right now. We must stop this; we must stop all the killing of humans and animals and the environment.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: And our lives will be better if we stop harming all the innocents. I want people to know that animals are not just something that you look down upon or you watch and enjoy a little their presence. They are extremely intelligent in many cases, and they are extremely noble.

 Indigenous communities unite against climate change
Pacific island countries prepare for climate change. With US$13.1 million in funding from the US-based Global Environment Facility in partnership with the United Nations, the project known as Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC) is now working to assist 13 island nations in the three main areas of food production and security as well as water resource and coastal management. Support is also coming from the group Many Strong Voices, comprised of Pacific Island and Arctic indigenous peoples striving to raise awareness about the impact of climate change on their lands and lives.

Global Environment Facility, Heaven rewards your kind generosity in assisting island brethren who are already facing the dire effects of global warming. Our prayers that the collective concerns of Many Strong Voices are heard and acted on through Earth-saving measures by governments and citizens worldwide.

African rainforest activist wins international Goldman prize
Six advocates honored with prestigious 2009 Goldman Environmental Prize. At a ceremony in San Francisco on Monday, honorees from each of the six continental regions were recognized with an award and US$150,000 for their exemplary leadership in safeguarding the environment. Mr. Marc Ona Essangui was the Africa winner for his efforts in stopping extensive mining and deforestation in Gabon.

From North America, Ms. Maria Gunnoe won for her campaign against mountain-top coal-mining in the Appalachian hills of her home state of West Virginia, USA. The European recipient was Russian scientist Olga Speranskaya for her project involving thousands of people to eliminate toxic chemicals from 11 former Soviet states.

Asia winner and attorney Ms. Rizwana Hasan heads a group of 60 staff in Bangladesh, and is helping establish laws regulating the dangerous and environmentally unsound practice of ship dismantling. South and Central America recipients Mr. Wanze Eduards and Mr. Hugo Jabini from Suriname won for their efforts in gaining rights for indigenous peoples in the Americas to protect their land. Ms. Yuyun Ismawati of Indonesia, the Island Nations winner, was recognized for assisting disadvantaged urban communities in developing sustainable waste management practices.

Our sincere gratitude and congratulations, winners of the 2009 Goldman Environmental Prize. Blessed be your shining example and devotion in inspiring further protection for our extraordinary Earth.

Live global warming conference to be held in South Korea
Live global warming conference to be held in South Korea. On Sunday, April 26, the “Save Our Earth Conference 2009: Protecting the Environment & Respecting All Lives,” will be held in Seoul, South Korea. Also supported by the South Korean Ministry of the Environment, the event will host invited dignitaries from varied fields as well as members of the public.

The conference is being organized by the South Korea-based Chungnyunsa Publishing Co., Ltd., known for its interest in environmental issues. Invited as the special guest of honor is Supreme Master Ching Hai, who despite her extremely full schedule has graciously accepted an invitation to respond to questions from distinguished representatives of academia, the media, religion and others about how we are to live harmoniously with all beings and our environment during this time of planetary crisis. Following the discussion, all are invited to enjoy a showcase of Korean traditional music.

We thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for agreeing to share further valuable insights on global warming through this meeting. May the conference fruitfully inspire effective actions to save our planet and all her deserving co-inhabitants.

Supreme Master Television’s live broadcast of the “Save Our Earth Conference 2009” videoconference will begin at 3 pm in Seoul, South Korea, or 8 am Central European Time, on Sunday, April 26.

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