Arctic ice getting thinner and thinner - 13 Apr 2009  
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 Arctic ice getting thinner and thinner
Reporting at their 31st annual end-of-winter survey, US-based organizations National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), stated that over 90 percent of Arctic sea ice is now only one or two years old, with only 10 percent being older, thick ice. This is in contrast to the 1980s, when the thicker ice that lasts two years or longer made up 30 to 40 percent of the total ice cover. This year’s cover is thus not expected to last the summer season. Moreover, as less and less ocean is covered by the sunlight-reflecting ice, more heat is absorbed, leading to further changes in climate and ecosystems. Already, summer temperatures in the Arctic have increased as much as nine 9 degrees Fahrenheit more than predicted by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC). As stated by Dr. Walt Meier of the NSIDC: “We're in a very precarious situation.”

Our appreciation, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Snow and Ice Data Center, Dr. Meier and colleagues for this vital information about the grave condition of our ecosphere. We pray that more leaders and individuals respond with actions of compassion to safeguard the existence we share with all beings on Earth.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has emphasized numerous times that we must first be veg to have enough time to save the planet. The following is an excerpt from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s July 2008 discussion via videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in California, USA.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
Supreme Master Television staff California, USA July 31, 2008

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Right now, even if we already produce the new technology yesterday, we still don’t have enough time. That is the urgency of our planet. Even if technology is already available, we don’t have enough time. Because it’s not CO2 that is the most troublesome, it’s the methane from animal raising, and it is also the hydrogen sulfide.

And moreover, nature also produces CO2 in some form. And also from the Arctic seabed and from the permafrost. We can’t win. We can’t win if we wait for technology. I just hope they don’t wait for technology or anything else, except vegetarian diet. That’s all we have to rely on now, vegetarian diet, the compassionate lifestyle. Spare other’s lives, then you will beget life. Like attracts like. This law never fails.

Canada woodland caribou face growing risk-report
Balance threatened for woodland caribou in Canada. A report released last Thursday, compiled by a group of 18 Canadian caribou experts, predicted that the woodland caribou populations in Canada, which are already at risk, will drop even further over the coming century. Only 57 herds of these largely herbivorous animals remain, with the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, where energy production predominates, being where populations are most imperiled. The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society is thus seeking protection of the woodland caribou and calling for a halt to habitat-disturbing activities such as logging.

Our gracious thanks Canadian researchers and conservationists for bringing this situation to light. Let us quickly uphold our role as responsible stewards of the planet to provide for the well-being of the woodland caribou and all Divine creations of our globe.

Wildlife At Risk as Iraq's Marshlands Shrink Again
Nature Iraq works to save marshland wildlife. Following its winter survey of 65 Key Biodiversity Areas in Iraq, the conservation group Nature Iraq, affiliate of the UK-based Birdlife International, reported the sighting of rare domestic birds such as the lesser fronted white goose as well as other species like the smooth-coated otter and the wintering African Sacred Ibis. Although Nature Iraq had been making progress since 2003 in restoring wetlands areas, recent droughts and upriver dam construction has caused marshlands to once again shrink. Nature Iraq is thus creating drought-resiliency plans as well as conservation and awareness programs to safeguard threatened species and migratory birds.

We are heartened to hear of your dedicated eco-preserving endeavors, Nature Iraq. May your loving example shine throughout the world as we work to restore the natural habitat of all precious flora and fauna.

Bye Bye Billing! An Italian Example of “Zero Cost” House
Italy designs self sufficient buildings. In the Tuscan city of Grosseto, the first 20 apartments have just been unveiled that utilize resources of the earth and the sun sustainably in both winter and summer. Geothermal heat pumping systems supply the heat, air conditioning, and hot water of these “zero cost” homes. In the winter, heat is collected from the earth and eventually circulated back through the house. In the summer, the process is reversed, as excess heat is drawn from the house and absorbed by the earth.

Bravo, Italy for this progressive development! Blessed be such green trends in providing affordable and eco-friendly advancements that can be shared by people throughout the world.