Water crisis looms this summer in Kashmir Valley - 9 Apr 2009  
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Kashmir's glaciers receding fast
Water crisis looms this summer in Kashmir Valley. The rapid retreat of glaciers in the India-administered Kashmir Valley is a source of great concern for the communities that depend on the water and food they support. The main glacier noted to be receding is the nearly 18,000 foot-high Kolahoi, but also affected are Sheesh Nag, Thajwas, Amarnath and Zanskar in Ladakh, among others. Vice President and spokesperson for the Indian Mountaineering Foundation (IMF), Mohammad Ashraf, noted his shock in observing the magnitude of glacier melt and its effect on one of the main rivers supplying water to the Kashmir Valley. He is calling for an end to human activities such as deforestation that cause global warming, in order to save the glaciers that are a vital part of the Valley’s food security.

We are grateful, Vice President Ashraf of the Indian Mountaineering Foundation for your urgent call to action. Our prayers for the Kashmiri people’s well-being and for humanity’s actions of greater consideration to ensure the preservation of our precious environment.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently pointed out that the solution to a number of deep crises faced worldwide, including resource scarcity and conflicts, is a plant-based diet. The following is an excerpt from a July 2008 telephone interview with Mr. James Bean, host of the US-based Spiritual Awakening Radio station.

Telephone interview with Supreme Master Master Ching Hai
by James Bean of Spiritual Awakening Radio USA July 29, 2008

Supreme Master Ching Hai: So, it is meat diet that really causes the shortage of food. We have 862 million hungry people in 2008 and the grain that we feed the livestock alone is enough for 2 billion people. Now, concerning water: One serving of beef is 1,200 gallons; one serving of chicken, 330 gallons; and one complete vegan meal including tofu, rice, vegetables, etc., is only 98 gallons. So, you see, now everybody was talking a lot about food shortage and water shortage, the main cause is, again, livestock raising. That is not including the contamination of most world bodies of water and related usages. Now, about financial cost even, the health cost for related illness only, in the United States alone, US$120 to 150 billion per year.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: And it’s not just about all this sickness and water and food shortage; it breeds war, because when people are hungry and insecure about food, and famine everywhere, they might just do anything. And that’s why we have war. So, I think a vegetarian diet, it is not for religious people alone, it is truly necessary for us to survive.

Kerry McCarthy MP Speaks about LIvestock Industry and Climate Change in the House of Commons
UK parliament member speaks on livestock and climate change. In the UK House of Commons in late March, Member of Parliament for Bristol East, Kerry McCarthy discussed the alarming impact to the planet caused by meat consumption. Besides mentioning statistics on the immense amounts of water, grain, energy, land, and fuel that are needed to support the production of meat, Ms. McCarthy cited the United Nations’ report, “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” in presenting the dangerous levels of greenhouse gas emissions caused by the industry – particularly methane, which has a much higher heat-trapping effect than CO2.

Our deep gratitude, Parliament Member McCarthy for your courageous and wise voice in sharing the vital news of meat consumptions’ planetary impact with others in the British government. May more and more nations make the choice to promote the plant-based diet to save ourselves and our magnificent Earth.

Lhasa speeds up construction of eco-garden city
Lhasa City goes green. The Tibetan city of Lhasa plans to spend over US$ 248 million to renovate, expand and construct over 20 parks and seven roads as part of a major greening project. The goal is to transform Lhasa into an “eco-garden city” with abundant trees and refreshing green spaces in urban areas and roadsides. Projects will also work to preserve unique historical and cultural features.

Bravo for your eco-initiatives, Lhasa! We look forward to visiting your transformed urban region, where arbors and greenery bring out the best in the city and her people.

Empire State Building to go 'green'
New York's Empire State Building to go green. Built in 1931, the Empire State Building in New York City, USA, is undergoing a US$500 million renovation that includes green design principles and a goal of saving US$4.4 million a year on energy. Through a partnership between Johnson Controls Inc, project manager Jones Lang LaSalle Inc, the Clinton Climate Initiative and the Rocky Mountain Institute, the 102-storey building is expected to reduce energy consumption by nearly 40 percent. Plans include upgraded windows, new air-conditioning and heating systems that generate cool water, energy efficient lighting with motion detection features and an internet-based system to assist tenants in monitoring and conserving energy.

Way to go Empire State Building project partners and New York City! Our accolades for your vision in renovating this legendary structure to benefit health and the environment while retaining its original dignity and beauty.