Creating a lasting, peaceful world - 15 May 2009  
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Creating a lasting, peaceful world.
Among the world’s legislators, media, and the public, recognition of the need to lower meat consumption to reduce carbon emissions is growing. It is becoming more widely known that the livestock industry generates more greenhouse gas pollution than all transportation combined. A Dutch study released in February found that a global reduction of meat intake could halve the cost of mitigating global warming, while a completely animal-free diet could save 80% of this cost.

In the recent climate change conference broadcast live on television and radio from Togo, Africa, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke as the honored guest to shed light on the conference theme: “Be Organic Vegan to Save the Planet.” She offered the following insights to a guest participant’s question about the immediate and visual changes to the environment if we all switched to a vegan diet.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
"Be Organic Vegan to Save the Planet" SOS Conference Lome, Togo – May 9, 2009

Supreme Master Ching Hai: If we become vegan as an individual, we can remedy the disasters that otherwise might affect us personally. If the world becomes vegan as a group, we can remedy the disasters that affect us globally. They will avert us, or be minimized and rendered harmless. The planet will begin repairing itself, in astonishing ways that scientists would be surprised.

We have the energy to change everything, we have the power to dictate what happens around us, but we must use it. Our thinking, our action, have to send out a message to the universal energy, that we want a better planet, we want a safer life, we want a saved world. Then the universal energy will do just that. But we have to act in resonance with this energy.

We create everything that we want if we live but in accordance with the law of the universe. Such is the power of just being vegan, because that means we spare life, we want life, we want constructive energy, we don’t want destruction. So vegan is the answer.

VOICE: We are ever grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai who conveys a great message of hope to humanity at this crucial time. Through the simple yet powerful step of adopting a vegan diet, may we achieve our shared vision of a peaceful and compassionate world.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

Glaciers quickly retreating in the Himalayas and Hindu Kush.
 International scientists gathered at the University of California San Diego in the US last week concluded that nearly all the 20,000 glaciers in the Himalaya-Hindu Kush mountain ranges are melting. The water from these melts is placing large lakes on the verge of overflowing, with residents in the valleys below at risk of floods. According to the International Commission on Snow and Ice in Kathmandu, Nepal, the Himalayan glaciers are retreating more rapidly than anywhere else in the world, and may be gone by 2035. Higher temperatures, reduced precipitation, black carbon particulates from the burning of fossil fuels and biomass, and fluctuating monsoon season patterns are considered the major contributors to their rapid degradation.

We thank all scientists involved for raising public awareness about the critical state of the legendary Himalayan mountain range. Let us quickly heed these urgent calls and transition to loving Earth-saving lifestyles.

In a November 2008 videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in California, USA, Supreme Master Ching Hai once again voiced her concern for humanity and the planet’s future as she spoke of the one way to stop the devastating loss of the Himalayan glaciers.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
Supreme Master Television staff
November 26, 2008 – California, USA

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The glacier is there to feed the Ganges water and it melted slowly, slowly as per using. As the human use it, it will melt out, just evenly distributing day by day like this. But if it’s all melted at one time, then cities will be drowned, people will die and flood will be everywhere and later we will have no water even. No reservoir any more. So either way, either a lot of flood or drought, it’s very dangerous for the people, especially the people who depend on the Ganges River and the glacier to survive. I am really worried, but I just pray and hope that the people who are in power will do something.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: The only solution is vegetarian diet for everybody