Inspiration follows climate conference in Lome, Togo - 12 May 2009  
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Inspiration follows climate conference in Lome, Togo.
On Saturday, May 9, the “Be Organic Vegan to Save the Planet,” live-broadcast global warming videoconference was held in Lome, the capital city of Togo. Invited as the guest of honor was Supreme Master Ching Hai, who answered a wide range of questions from a guest panel, including one regarding the impact
of climate change to each and every citizen of the Earth.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We all have a shared planet and we have shared responsibility, and we all want it to be saved for every one of us. Just like in the human body, if one area is hurt, it will affect the whole body as well. So even if the injury came to Africa from another part of the world, we should all fix it because we want the entire body to be well again. And that is very good for us to have such a noble intention, helping to save the world, because every good deed helps balance the entire planet’s karma, meaning the atmosphere, the energy. So, that is the key, to Be Veg and spread the message of compassion, to let people know that
they can really make a difference.

And we each can through the choices we make in putting food on our plate. Please try to inform your people that peace and the survival of our planet begin at home, begin on our plate.

VOICE: Uplifting music and dance performances created further warmth and welcome for the millions of people tuned in to live broadcasts of the event. Besides airing via Supreme Master Television, the program was also broadcast via satellite television across the African continent, as well as on five radio stations in Togo, Benin, and Ghana.

Congratulations all distinguished and caring participants and guests of the “Be Organic Vegan, to Save the Planet” conference! Our appreciation to the African media members for their interest and noble assistance in spreading the urgent message of our fragile planetary state.We are especially thankful to Supreme Master Ching Hai whose trusted insights and support are invaluable gifts to humanity at this crucial time. May dialogue and actions continue to bring the vital plant-based diet solution to all of Africa and the world.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event
at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

Eels in crisis after 95% decline in last 25 years
Eel population plummets. According to recent findings of the European Environment Agency, 95 percent of the European eel population has been lost in the past 25 years. Mr. Andy Don of the Agency said, “There is no doubt that there is a crisis.” The Agency is attempting to help the eels with such initiatives as the construction of fish passes in England and Wales so that young eels may more easily travel upstream in rivers without being blocked by obstacles. Another program currently in place accomplishes the same goal by receiving the eels in containers and then releasing them beyond the barriers.

European Environment Agency, we appreciate your concern and caring actions. May we soon create a sustainable world where eels continue to grace our planet and all marine life is safe.

In an August 2008 videoconference with our Association members in Canada, Supreme Master Ching Hai once more reminded that the ultimate way to prevent further loss of Earth’s precious species, including humankind, is to turn to a compassionate vegetarian diet.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
Vancouver Center, Canada - August 24, 2008

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We just have to remind everybody, to be veg and to be kind to the animals. That's the only way we can protect them. And then later on, maybe they will recover themselves again. Some dolphins, who have been protected has reproduced again, in better numbers. So it's possible with other species. If we just protect our environment and we turn our hearts into a compassionate way of life, then like attracts like. If we treasure life, then life will be coming back in abundance. Yes, I'm also very sorry and concerned like you are. But we are doing what we can. That's why we're doing it. That's why we distribute Alternative Living flyers and SOS flyers and all that and we're doing what we're doing. Seminars, vegetarian and all that. It's just for this, for protecting the species and protecting humans.

Organic farmers to get piece of Farm Bill pie
US Organic farmers get a helping hand. US Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan has stated that a new measure is making available US$50 million in financial assistance to established organic farmers as well as those in the process of certification. The funds are being administered through the 2009 Organic Farm Initiative, which is part of the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). Deputy Secretary Merrigan further stated that President Barack Obama wants to make organic products a priority for development.

Your Excellency, Deputy Secretary Merrigan and the United States, we laud your nation’s value of the eco-friendly and health-preserving organic produce farming. Measures such as these are sure to provide the necessary support for everyone to enjoy bounteous fruit and veg harvests that also benefit the environment.