Major Economies Forum in Paris, France - May 31 2009  
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Major Economies Forum in Paris, France.
During climate talks hosted by France, the world’s 17 largest energy consuming and greenhouse gas emitting nations made progress in agreeing to help developing countries cope with climate change. Assisting these countries in their adaptations to global warming related impacts such as rising sea levels and extreme weather is expected to cost around US$100 billion a year. Representatives plan to continue their discussions at a June meeting in Mexico, as part of a series leading up to December’s climate change forum in Denmark.

Our respectful accolades, participating forum nations, for your forward-thinking strides in addressing climate change. May your plans quickly be mobilized to bring the greatest relief to inhabitants worldwide.


Water predicted to become ever scarcer.
Scientists at the University of Utah in the USA, report that a warming climate is leading to phenomena such as increased dust storms, which in mountainous areas like the Rockies in the USA are causing snow packs to disintegrate quickly, thus jeopardizing continuous water supplies.

Also, nations such as India and China are facing more water shortages even as the needs in those areas are increasing. Current predictions by the US-based Grail Research indicate that by 2025, around 3 billion people will face water scarcity globally.

US scientists at University of Utah and Grail Research, thank you for making us more aware of this life-threatening imbalance. Let us seek urgently to ensure more sustainable lifestyles
so that all are supplied with the essential and life-giving water.

In July 2008, during a videoconference in West Hollywood, California, USA, Supreme Master Ching Hai reminded us that the world’s water resources would be assured if everyone switched to the Earth-saving vegan diet.

Supreme master Ching Hai: Now, we are complaining  about shortage of water everywhere on the planet. One serving of beef, we use 1,200 gallons of clean good water; one serving of chicken, 330 gallons of water, clean and good; and one complete vegan meal, including rice or bread and tofu, that is full of protein, and vegetables, it cost only 98 gallons of water.

God has created enough water for us, enough food for us to last even forever, if we but know how to stop abusing the Earth’s resources and her sustenance. We should not kill our fellow beings to satisfy our greed. This is the main point of planetary problems right now - our overly spending of our moral merit and world resources.
When we just stop eating meat, then we have 70% plus water to use. Just leave that piece
of meat out of your diet. Let peace begin on your table.


Prince Charles urges rapid protection of rainforest for global security.
In addressing the Nobel Laureates Symposium at Saint James’ Palace, His Royal Highness
Prince Charles highlighted his concern that many people are unaware of the urgent need to address global warming. He strongly urged protection of the rainforests to ensure global food, energy, and economic security.

According to Greenpeace and the United Nations, over 80 percent of Amazon deforestation activities occur to create cattle grazing regions. The remainder is largely cleared to grow soy, most of which is exported for animal feed. During a phone conversation with Supreme Master Television, Professor John Browder, author of “Planting Seeds of Change in the Ashes of the Rainforest,” confirmed that meat was the main driver of Amazonian deforestation.

Professor John Browder – Author and Professor at College of Urban Affairs and Planning, Virginia Tech University, USA (M): What is driving deforestation now in the Amazon are three things: the first and most important is the expansion of the livestock sector over the past ten years. And by livestock I mean beef cattle industry.

VOICE: Because the largest market for Amazonian beef is in Europe, Dr. Browder believes the speed of deforestation is directly linked to the high demand for beef in Europe. Professor Browder has further calculated that the continued rate of the Amazon’s deforestation will depend on two factors:

Professor John Browder (M): One, the price of beef products in the European market, times the population density of the município in the producing supply region. It really comes down to basically beef and how much available forest lands within proximity of a transport node.

VOICE: Our deep appreciation, Professor Browder, Your Royal Highness and others for your concerned voice on behalf of the magnificent and life-supporting rainforests. May our awareness of the power of our fork awaken us all to the realization that we can save the planet by simply changing our diets.

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