Californians to use less water to save salmon - 13 Jun 2009  
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Californians to use less water to save salmon.
The US federal agency, National Marine Fisheries Service, has issued a ruling that calls for reducing water diversion to cities and agriculture by between five and seven percent.

The move is designed to keep water in the state’s rivers to protect the dwindling numbers of salmon and other fish that face extinction despite their abundance just decades ago. Environmental group National Resources Defense Council commended the decision, saying that water conservation as a practice was inevitable
and that it was better to adopt such measures before it was too late.

Californians, you have our accolades and admiration for your commitment to saving the salmon and the biodiversity of your rivers. Truly our individual choices can become a collective influence that protects the ecosphere.

Supreme Master Ching Hai, who also always encourages more eco-friendly lifestyles, spoke of the world’s resources during a videoconference in South Korea
in April 2009.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The resources are very, very, very precious, more than finance, namely, for example, water.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We should all remember that we share this planetary abode, the water, the air, the resources, the food, all of nature, we share only.

We should not be possessive of nature. So, the best thing we can do for   all the animals is to stop causing suffering to them, stop killing them, stop eating them, stop damaging all our habitats. Stop damaging our environment. Be veg, go green and save their planet too, the planet of the animals. Thank you so much for all you have done and doing.


First ladies in support of being fur-free.
In a letter to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy of France said she does not wear, buy or own fur. Meanwhile, US First Lady Michelle Obama also confirmed via her deputy press secretary, Semonti Mustaphi, that she likewise does not wear animal fur.

In response, PETA’s Senior Vice President Dan Mathews said, “By officially rejecting fur, these two style icons will make people everywhere see fur for what it is: old-fashioned and cruel."
Our heartfelt appreciation, First Ladies Carla Bruni-Sarkozy and Michelle Obama, for your expressions of beauty through compassionate fashion. Blessed be actions such as yours in inspiring us all toward a world where consideration and kindness prevail.

UNFCCC talks conclude in Bonn, Germany.
During the two-week United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conference, representatives from 181 countries discussed emission target goals, as scientists urged leaders toward more drastic measures to curb global warming.

UNFCCC Executive Director Yvo De Boer, said, “We are still a long, long way from the ambitious emissions reduction scenarios of the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on climate Change] that are a kind of a beacon in terms of what industrialized countries need to do if we are to avoid the most severe impacts of climate change."

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change participants, we appreciate your commitment in coming together to advance a meaningful international agreement.

Our prayers for the success of an accord as we each assume responsibility for preserving this most precious planet.
