European Parliament members affirm help to the environment - 11 Jun 2009  
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European Parliament members affirm help to the environment.
A recent electoral vote introduced a new group of leaders across the 27 European Union member states. Winning the largest share of seats were the center-right European People’s Party and European Democrats, with other parties along the spectrum securing representation as well.Among the major issues being considered by the Parliament is environmental preservation, with increasing consideration being given to the global warming threat of the agriculture sector.

Supreme Master Television spoke with newly elected Parliament Member Philippe Lamberts from Belgium.

Philippe Lamberts – Newly elected European Parliament Member from Belgium, Co-president of the European Green Party (M): There are measures to accelerate the renewing of our buildings, the reorientation of our agriculture toward an agriculture much less consumptive of energy and chemical products and much more respectful of the environment.

VOICE: Mr. Lamberts and fellow “green” Parliamentarian Pierre Jonckheer agree that an improved agricultural system must include addressing the livestock industry.

Philippe Lamberts (M): Everybody knows that if we want to make our planet tenable, we must reduce our meat consumption, this thing we all know.

Pierre Jonckheer – Co-president of Green European Foundation, European Parliament Member from Belgium (M): We know that agriculture and meat production is one of the main causes of gas emissions. And so it’s very clear that the ratio per habitant of meat has to decrease.

VOICE: Ms. Judith Sargentini, another new Parliament Member from the Green Party of the Netherlands, pledged her group’s active promotion of reducing meat consumption for a sustainable environment for all.

Judith Sargentini – Newly elected European Parliament Member from the Netherlands (F): We also say, please eat less meat, and let's make taxes on meat, let's raise those taxes. That's definitely one of the issues we are talking about, without forcing people. I'd like to tell people what the cost is of eating meat, for the environment worldwide.

VOICE: We salute your openly shared concern and efforts, Ms. Sargentini, Mr. Jonckheer, Mr. Lamberts, and all dedicated new and incumbent Parliamentarians.

May your leadership be blessed to bring further environmental awareness and welfare to the European people with policies that benefit all on the planet.  

Shellfish reefs, the most at risk marine ecosystem on the planet.
A report recently released by The Nature Conservancy in the US revealed that 85 percent of these
distinct ecosystems have disappeared worldwide. Shellfish reefs, which differ from coral reefs, help prevent shore erosion and provide shelter for other animals, while their resident marine animals naturally
filter and cleanse the water.

Fishing for human consumption and coastal development are seen as the main causes of the reef’s enormous decline. A statement from The Nature Conversancy observed, “Reefs are functionally extinct in many areas, particularly in North America, Australia and Europe, and are no longer able to provide any of
the ecosystem services that benefit people.”

Creating protected areas and reducing pollution are among the report’s restorative recommendations. We appreciate The Nature Conservancy for informing us about the critical depletion of these underwater sanctuaries. Let us move quickly to ensure the safety of our vital ocean inhabitants and biosphere.

In a July 2008 videoconference at the "Heart-Touch Tour" exhibition in Formosa (Taiwan), Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed the concern of audience members as she outlined the approach needed to restore the balance of life on both land and sea.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Up to now, we have lost so many, not just marine life, but land species. They disappear faster than we can imagine. And we just feel like it doesn’t concern us or that we are not responsible for their plight,  for the death and disappearance of our precious co-inhabitants. But the fact is that we are responsible.

So I suggest that stricter rules must be imposed to protect the sea, the water, which is our life, which is also our protector in terms of balancing our ecosystems and sustaining our planetary equilibrium, and sustaining our lives.

Spiritual leaders in India promote environmental endeavors.
Based on the premise that conserving nature is an integral part of India’s spirituality, spiritual leaders and their faithful are encouraging various initiatives for environmental protection.

One such endeavor being led by His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa has gathered almost 1,000 Buddhist monks, nuns and devoteeson a 40-day, 400-kilometer spiritual trek across five Himalayan passes.

Along the journey, over 100,000 villages are receiving recyclable bags as a gesture to encourage sustainable living. Other initiatives include the Ganges River clean up launched by Swami Ramdev Ji of the Patanjali Yogpeeth; an organic farming initiatives started by spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar of the Art of Living,
and Project Greenland, headed by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, an activity that holds the world record for planting 7.5 million trees in southern India.

Our respect and admiration, all spiritual leaders and practitioners, for your diligent efforts to green the planet. May you continue to inspire many toward noble ideals that bring such heavenly qualities to our Earthly home.