Hope amidst signs of rapid global warming - 9 Jun 2009  
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Hope amidst signs of rapid global warming.

The once-immense Imja glacier in the Himalayas is receding at the shocking rate of 74 meters a year, with the Himalayan glaciers overall predicted  to shrink 80% within 20 years if nothing is done to counter climate change. In some places, huge lakes that have formed from the melting glaciers
threaten downstream communities with massive flooding if they were to burst. Recently, Supreme Master Ching Hai was respectfully requested by the Veracruz state government to be the honoured guest at a live public conference held at the grand Environment Expo 2009.

Although unable to be present via videoconference, Supreme Master Ching Hai delivered a comprehensive message on global warming trends in such areas as the world’s glaciers along with their optimal solution.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Most of the planet’s glaciers will be gone within a few decades, jeopardizing the survival of more than 2 billion people. One billion of these people will suffer the effects of the Himalayan glacier retreats, which have been occurring at a pace more rapid than anywhere in the world, with two-thirds of the region's more than 18,000 glaciers receding.
Reduced rainfall, devastating droughts and water shortages are the result.

Stopping Water shortage While droughts are plaguing more populations, we cannot afford to waste water. Meat production uses massive amounts of water, as you know.

It takes up to 1,200 gallons of fresh and good clean water to produce just one serving of beef. In contrast, a full vegan meal costs only 98 gallons of water.

That is like 90 plus percent less. So, if we want to stop water shortage and to preserve precious water we have to stop animal products.

VOICE:The video message left an impression on many of those in attendance.

Angie Bensel – Conference participant, Vegetarian (F): I send her lots of love from the depths of my heart, and it’s very good that she is doing such important work for all of us.

VOICE: Veracruz State Governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán also wished to convey his best regards to Supreme Master Ching Hai, whom he had had a chance to meet in the March 2009 climate change conference in Xalapa City, Veracruz.

SupremeMasterTV (F): How important do you consider a vegan diet is for helping in the urgency of global warming?

Governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán – Veracruz State, Mexico (M): Well, I think it is a priority of humanity to do all kind of actions that can stop the transformation, the deterioration of the environment. It’s everyone’s commitment and I assume it with great determination.

VOICE: As a gesture of appreciation, the Veracruz government presented a certificate to the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association.

“The Goverment of Veracruz, the Secretary of Social Development and Environment through the General Coordination of the Environment is pleased to present the following Recognition to: The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, for its valuable support to the Environment Expo 2009.” Our humble thanks, Veracruz state government and Governor Fidel Herrera Beltrán for the honor of this opportunity and for your inclusive efforts to raise people’s awareness
on climate change.

We join in sincere gratitude for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s tireless efforts on behalf of the planet. May we quickly heed the urgency of the myriad signs of climate crisis through our adoption of resource-replenishing lifestyles.

Please tune in to Words of Wisdom on Supreme Master Television for a full rebroadcast of this conference at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.


Nature is the best way to reduce CO2 emissions.
A new United Nations Environment Program report has concluded that the nurturing of forests and peatlands, along with sustainable agricultural methods such as organic growing, are likely better as an approach for removing urban CO2 and other pollutants from the atmosphere than developing technologies such as carbon capture and storage.

These findings correlate with a Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency report, titled “Climate Benefits of Changing Diet,” which estimates that the switch to a vegan diet would return vast tracts of land from livestock-raising related activities back to their natural state.

Not only would this eliminate livestock emissions, which create at least 18% of total greenhouse gases worldwide (with scientists recently reporting over 50%),but the re-grown foliage would further absorb atmospheric CO2. UN Environmental Program and Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, we thank you for these insights on the self-restoring power of nature.

We look forward to returning our beloved planetary home to her pristine glory through a global change to the most natural veg diet.

In a 2008 videoconference with our Association members in Thailand, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of nature’s resiliency and capacity to recover, especially once meat and its many harms are removed from the picture.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : We have to reduce 80% of the pollution from the gas and everything else. And stop eating the animals. That is the only way to stop immediately the 80% gas pollution.

The rest, 20%, more or less, nature can absorb and take care of it and the Earth can repair herself. The Earth has a mechanism to repair herself. It’s just that we overload the planet. We pollute too much and we create too much of murderous karma.

As soon as we erase this bad retribution from the killing effect, then the Earth will turn around, will be allowed to repair, reproduce, and sustain life again.
And we will live in peace, health, happiness, and long life again.

