Report forecasts drastic changes in Britain’s future climate - 30 Jun 2009  
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Report forecasts drastic changes in Britain’s future climate.
The Met Office, Britain’s nation weather service, recently completed the “UK Climate Projections 2009” report.
Based on 12 years of research, the paper presents various consequences that are expected to be faced by the UK depending on the amount of carbon released in the future.

Some of these include more intense flooding, drought, significantly reduced crops, coastal erosion and a possible sea level rise of 68 centimeters.

Under the most severe scenarios, the nation would see an 8 degree Celsius rise in average temperatures.
Environment Secretary Hilary Benn stated, “These results are sobering and we know that these changes will affect every aspect of our daily lives.”

Our respectful thanks to Secretary Benn, the Met Office and United Kingdom for this timely warning.
May reports such as these prompt people the world over to immediately change to an eco-friendlier way of life, to save our precious home.

During a January 2009 videoconference in Mongolia, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke with concern of the unstable global warming effects already faced by humanity, saying that we must return to a more peaceful existence to survive.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : We are already facing so many untold natural disasters, on a daily basis such as earthquakes, severe storms ever seen before, volcanoes, ice melting and many islands, many nations have sunk under the water already and many are sinking. And the climate has become very, very strange, like it became warm where it should be cold and it became cold where it should be hot. And this can only be alleviated through a return to the ancient ways of our wiser elders.

One that exists in harmony with nature and respect of other beings, a true brotherhood of love with all.

We can still do that, it’s not too late.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We should remind everyone to be veg, to invoke the mercy of the Buddhas, and we will be better protected.

Syria implements emergency measures for those affected by drought.
Northeastern provincial Governor Najib Salloum has announced that food packages containing flour, sugar, semolina, and lentils have been distributed in Al-Hasakah, with more to arrive. According to the Canada-based International Institute for Sustainable Development, this region has been distressed by drought for the past three years.

Due to the extreme conditions imposed by climate change, residents in 160 villages had to abandon their homes and lives in 2007 and 2008. Our earne

st thoughts and prayers go to those in Syria coping with this water shortage. With Heaven’s grace, may the region soon be blessed with replenishing rains as we strive to adopt more compassionate lifestyles that ensure the flourishing of all Earth’s inhabitants.

US contributes to African climate project.
As part of a US$8.6 million total funding, the US Agency for International Development (USAID)has announced a donation of US$1 million to the Zambezi River climate project in southern Africa. Through various prevention and preparation measures, the project will help people cope with and adapt to climate change. River residents
have been severely affected by bouts of droughts and floods, displacing hundreds of thousands yearly and causing loss of lives.

Red Cross disaster management coordinator Fariid Abdulkadir said, “Climate change is real; it is affecting us in Africa and it will get worse over time. … We’re preparing people to adapt to a situation they have to live with for many years to come.” Our gratitude and Heaven bless, USAID and Red Cross for your care of African brethren living along the Zambezi River. As members of a global community, let us unite in our efforts
to adopt lifestyles that benefit all beings on our shared planetary home.
