Ancient lake site and lightning discovered on Mars - 21 Jun 2009  
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Ancient lake site and lightning discovered on Mars.

US scientists led by Research Associate Gaetano Di Achille have found definitive evidence of a shoreline revealing what seems to have been an 80-square-mile lake that was once 1,500 feet deep, which formed approximately 3.4 billion years ago.

Mr. Di Achille said that certain features indicate the lake evaporated or froze with the ice disappearing during a time of sudden change in climate.

Other US researchers have additionally discovered direct evidence of dry electrical discharges during dust storms on Mars, which affects the chemistry of the atmosphere, its habitability and might explain how life began on the planet.

What astounding findings, US scientists! May these glimpses into past events on Mars hasten our own actions to save the bounteous Earth that supports our life today.
In a January 2009 videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff, Supreme Master Ching Hai offered insights on the evolution of Mars, with suggestions for how to be better stewards of our planet.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : I just ask the planet people to create goodness right now, so we still can live here in the free air and we still preserve the environment or whatever that’s left over and not continue further deterioration.

And the planet will recover quickly because we have not reached the point that Mars had reached before the mass extinction.

They thought they had a lot of time, but they didn’t. In the past five years they had been warned, but they did not listen, they did not change. And then the last two months it happened just so fast, so fast, nobody even had time to even think.

That’s why I ask the people, “Please, please wake up! Wake up!” It’s so easy to just be vegetarian, be vegan.

Very easy, everyone can do it. Every individual just chooses peace and there will be peace on Earth.


White House report reflects grave planetary crisis.

Compiled by nearly 40 academic, government, and institute scientists, the report cites rapidly increasing temperatures, food crises, severe droughts, and worsening and more frequent natural disasters.

It also warns of passing tipping points, which would inevitably lead to larger changes. Dr. Tom Karl of the National Climatic Data Center said that we have already passed at least one such tipping point, which is irreversible sea level rise.

Still, the report says there is hope if we act quickly. Senior scientist Dr. Jerry Melillo of the Marine Biological Lab in Massachusetts stated, “The observed climate changes that we report are not opinions to be debated.

They are facts to be dealt with, (and) we can act now to avoid the worst impacts.”Drs. Karl and Melillo, other report authors and US government, we are grateful for this clear call to action.
May humanity swiftly adopt more Earth-saving lifestyles to ensure the stability of our planetary home.


Mexican media highlights climate change.

On June 4, a global warming conference was held in Veracruz, Mexico, with Supreme Master Ching Hai invited as the guest of honor. During her video message, Supreme Master Ching Hai provided a comprehensive picture of climate change effects throughout the globe, along with effective solutions for addressing them.

The event drew significant media interest and was broadcast live on Mexico City’s top radio station “Los 40 Principales” at 101.7 FM, which reaches nearly five million listeners.

Mexico’s second-largest television network, TV Azteca, also invited representatives from the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association to their studio for an interview about the conference.

Host – TV Azteca (m): Have we understood climate change or we have not realized what is happening, as a society?

Our Association member(m): Actually, yes. People know part of the problem, people know that something is happening, because the effects are very clear. We see that for example, 45% of Mexico is a desert.

Host – TV Azteca (m): Yes.

Our Association member (m): You had recently the worst floods in 100 years in Tabasco.
Host – TV Azteca (m): We do see that it affects us, but are we aware? That is, truly as a society, do you feel that we are really aware of it?

Our Association member (m): Actually, people don’t have information, because if people had information and if they knew how to minimize the climate change effects, through individual action, not only through the government, the state or an institution, everybody could help. Because an individual action, such as eating vegetarian, has a great impact on the environment.

Host – TV Azteca (m): Very well. This is precisely the concern that we have to take into consideration.

VOICE: Our appreciation, TV Azteca, for your receptive understanding and for helping to spread awareness of the importance of this critical global situation.

With noble media such as yours, more and more people will surely soon join the organic vegan trend to save lives and our planet!