Making good energy on Earth - 12 Jul 2009  
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Making good energy on Earth.
At this urgent time of climate emergency, governments the world over are faced with the challenge of mitigating global warming, along with solving other issues such as food shortage and hunger, health costs and epidemics.

Yet as the bestselling American author John Robbins once noted in referring to the vegan diet, the solutions to all these are, at the root, the same. The interrelated benefits of an animal-free diet have long been revealed by Supreme Master Ching Hai, who, in a recent telephone interview with Irish Independent’s Sunday bestselling weekly newspaper, went a step beyond the physical and social aspects to give essential suggestions for
world decision makers.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Above all, when we’re freed of all the massive burdens imposed by producing and consuming meat and instead practice the compassionate vegan organic farming, then the energy patterns of the world will change to a more compatible waveform with the Earth and her inhabitants and with Heaven, to produce harmonious weather and benevolent life supporting atmosphere. 

It’s all about changing energy. Make good energy. We are human; human means “humane.” We are the so-called civilized, intelligent, superior species, the human race.

Shouldn’t we reconsider how to act with befitting manner? That is to protect, love, and preserve the life of our co-inhabitant, the animals, the environment. Just be veg, go green, do good.

VOICE: We thank Irish Sunday Independent and journalist Ben Murnane for helping to impart this vital message to more people. We are very grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for continuing to remind of what really matters in our lives – our return to harmony with the world and ourselves.

May the day come soon when our actions to save the planet speak to the true noble love of humankind.
The article featuring the interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai is now available in the Irish Sunday Independent, the country's most widely read weekly newspaper, starting today, July 12, 2009, in all SHOPS, NEWSPAPER STANDS AND AIRPORTS NATIONWIDE IN IRELAND AND THROUGHOUT THE
UNITED KINDGOM, as well as through the airlines Aerlingus and Ryanair.

Please tune in for the broadcast of this interview at a later date on Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom with multi-language subtitles.

Vital Sri Lankan river drying out.
Prolonged drought near the town of Mahiyangana in Sri Lanka’s Uva province has caused the Mahaweli River, the longest in the nation, to reach unprecedented low levels. Moreover, high temperatures and the lack of an efficient irrigation system are causing farmers to lose their crops, and residents must rely on the tiny offshoots of the Mahaweli for drinking water.

Despite sufficient precipitation in other areas of the country, Liveris, a farmer in Mahiyangana, said, “All the trees have died, the land is parched and there is no sign of rain in the future.

I don’t know what we can do.” Our hearts are saddened by the plight facing the Sri Lankan people, and we pray for soon and plentiful life-giving rain. May such unfortunate circumstances as these be minimized as we strive for greater benevolence to restore the balance of our Earth.

In a video message during a June 2009 climate change conference in Veracruz, Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai once again expressed her care for humanity’s welfare and addressed the lack of water that is so often seen with global warming.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We can stop water shortage. While droughts are plaguing more populations, we cannot afford to waste water. Meat production uses massive amounts of water, as you know. It takes up to 1,200 gallons of fresh and good clean water to produce just one serving of beef.

In contrast, a full vegan meal costs only 98 gallons of water. That is like 90 plus percent less. So, if we want to stop water shortage and to preserve precious water we have to stop animal products.

Prince of Wales calls for a shift from convenience to sustainability.
During his delivery of the annual Richard Dimbleby lecture, founded in memory of the renowned British broadcaster, Prince Charles urged governments and citizens toward immediate action to halt the effects of global warming. Commending the environmental awareness of the historical figure King Henry VIII, who four-and-a-half centuries ago had passed laws to protect the forest from over-use by shipbuilders, the prince cautioned that a change in modern living is crucial if we wish to avert an environmental crisis.

His Royal Highness said, “In failing the Earth, we are failing humanity.  If we don't face up to this, then Nature, the biggest bank of all, could go bust.

And no amount of quantitative easing will revive it. …” Our sincere gratitude, Your Royal Highness, for your steadfast commitment to bringing about a meaningful shift in our perception and actions toward the environment.

Blessed be such noble efforts in bringing fruitful change for the sake of ourselves and future generations of our planet.

Extra News
Britain’s National Trust encourages city residents to take advantage of window sill gardening, which offers the benefit of tasty fresh produce and could provide the equivalent of an estimated 600 acres of farmable land per year.

In an effort to minimize waste materials and technology, the European Union and leading cell-phone manufacturers including Apple, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung and Sony Ericsson partner to introduce a one-size fits-all charger that will be available within six months.

Uganda’s National Forest Authority representative, Xavier Mugumya, states that satellite data has revealed the country’s loss of 1.5 million hectares of trees over the past 15 years, with the disappearance of all forests likely within 50 years unless preservation measures are adopted.

As part of a climate change adaptation endeavor, UK farmer Martin Crawford plants a forest garden that demonstrates a new type of sustainable agriculture, growing more than 500 different food plants such as walnuts, hazelnuts and heartnuts.