IPCC Chair Dr. Pachauri leading the way in climate change - 23 July 2009  
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IPCC Chair Dr. Pachauri leading the way in climate change.

Alleviating climate change is estimated to have significant costs, but Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, head of the Nobel Peace Prize winning United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has affirmed that appropriate actions now would bring higher gains to balance the costs. According to Dr. Pachauri, a longtime vegetarian himself, one effective source of such favorable changes is reduced meat consumption.

Dr. Rajendra Pachauri (M): It’s a ready and quick way in which we can cut down on emissions, particularly when a lower meat diet has much greater health benefits than eating anything else. As I always tell people, if you eat less meat you will be healthier and so will the planet. 

VOICE: Many other leading scientists agree.

Dr. Dale Jamieson - Director of Environmental Studies at New York University, USA, Vegetarian (M): Reducing our meat production is the probably the single most effective thing that individuals can do immediately to reduce their greenhouse gas impact. For a long time, this message hadn’t gotten out. But it’s now starting to get out for many reasons. One reason is because the president of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is a vegetarian and he’s been making some strong statements lately.

VOICE: For his courageous efforts, visionary leadership and far-reaching care for public health, Dr. Pachauri was recognized withthe Shining World Hero Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Dr. Rajendra Pachauri (M): I would like to salute Supreme Master Ching Hai for the remarkable efforts that she has mobilized across the planet to create a sustainable future for the human race and all beings who live on this planet.

And I want to also convey my thanks for this award which I’ve been given. I accept that in all humility, and I hope all of us can work towards a sustainable green and nature friendly future, because we really don’t have a choice. So thank you again Supreme Master, I salute you for all that you're doing...and I hope I have the privilege of meeting you sometime. Thank you very much.

VOICE: Congratulations Dr. Rajendra Pachauri and our heartfelt thanks for your tireless efforts to ensure global survival and wellbeing. We convey our gratitude also to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her encouragement of brave endeavors for the planet.

With Heaven’s blessings, may we all soon unite in the veg circle to enjoy our life-giving, unique Earth together.


Leading US climatologist calls for urgent action to avoid planetary disaster.

Dr. James Hansen, Director of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Institute for Space Studies, has said that climatic tipping points are rapidly approaching with potential irreversibility if greenhouse gas emissions are not promptly slowed. He points out that we are on a present course to reach 450 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere, which would incur a several meters rise in sea level and runaway climate change. On the SolveClimate website, he stated, “This is a problem that demands strong leadership. The only special interest that should be calling the tune is the public’s special interest.”

Our earnest appreciation, Dr. James Hansen for your persevering efforts to raise awareness about the immediacy of this dangerous warming trend. Let us all become leaders by adopting the planet-cooling organic, plant-based diet to sustain both our lives and others.

Supreme Master Ching Hai often shares her insights to help us as we face the dangers of global warming, as in the following excerpt from an October 2008 videoconference in Thailand.

Supreme Mastet Ching Hai: We cannot prepare much. Even if we stockpile some food and all that, it is not always helpful. It just makes the world food shortage worsen. So we can only rely on the good karma that we can create. And that we can do.

We can save ourselves right now by turning into vegetarian diet which is benevolent, which is very compassionate, and by being compassionate to others, Heaven will be compassionate to us. That’s the only thing I can tell you. The way we are doing right now, we cause suffering to others; we cannot expect happiness in return.

What we have been doing will bringing us disaster and trouble and maybe mass destruction in the very near future. So, if we want to have a good result, we have to start doing good. Be veg, go green, and do good deeds.

http://solveclimate.com/blog/20090715/james-hansen-climate-tipping-points-and-political-leadership http://www.giss.nasa.gov/staff/jhansen.html

Seed-eating birds reveal nature’sintricate balance.

Canadian scientists at the University of British Columbia observing the Serengeti ecosystem in Tanzania using data from the past 40 years have found an interdependent relationship among seed-eating birds and trees.

By eating tree seeds, the birds play a key role in protecting and maintaining the forests, as the seeds are not only dispersed when they pass through the birds’ digestive system, they also become unattractive to tree-damaging insects. Thus the absence of the seed-eating birds, which can be caused by events such as wildfires, can lead to disappearing forests. The report states, “In general, this study illustrates, first, how a stable community is maintained and, second, how it can unravel by a single disturbance.” 

University of British Columbia scientists, we appreciate this important research showing the delicate and perfect balance of nature. May we be further reminded to respect and preserve all living beings in our biosphere.



Los Angeles, USA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announces the city’s partnership with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to develop technologies that improve energy efficiency, increase the use of sustainable energy sources, conserve water and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of Britain attends the annual Swan Upping ceremony for the first time, to oversee the counting and health check of swans along the River Thames, as concern has been raised for their loss of habitat and dwindling numbers in recent years.

Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry announces a collaboration among
car manufacturers, power companies and governments in developing electric vehicle technology (EV), to be initially launched in eight major cities designated as EV zones.

The US lower house of Congress passes a bill that formally acknowledges a bird conservation program, stating that designated lands will be protected from development and the health of the environment preserved.