Birds in India suffer from high heat - 15 Jun 2010  
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Avian populations, once abundant in the nation, have been dwindling due to urbanization and use of pesticides. Moreover, with this year bringing India’s hottest March and April in a century, with May temperatures often exceeding 45 degrees Celsius, an alarming number of birds have been succumbing to heatstroke.

In the city of Delhi alone, where vultures, doves and sparrows are already facing extinction, some 300 birds have been treated daily for sunstroke, at least 70 of whom are seen each day at the long-established Charity Birds Hospital.

Meanwhile, in neighboring Uttar Pradesh, the state forest department reported the tragic finding of 150 peacocks who perished in the summer heat. Officials there are now working to refill parched water bodies and implement other local preventive measures.

Our earnest thanks, Charity Birds Hospital and all officials, organizations, and personnel working to save avian co-inhabitants imperiled by the intense heat.

With our prayers for their revival to flourishing health, let us swiftly join in meaningful actions to restore the Earth’s balance for the benefit of all beings. As part of her tireless efforts to ensure our planetary welfare, Supreme Master Ching Hai has often addressed the perilous situation of our animal co-inhabitants, as in this August 2009 videoconference in Thailand.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Our animal friends are suffering terribly due to the effects of global warming. Many of the animals are dying or at the brink of extinction or already gone due to unbearable temperatures or they are being forced out of their habitats.

Birds of all kinds in every corner of the globe are also imperiled. According to the World Wildlife Fund, some bird populations declined by up to 90%. Some already disappeared.
With the expected 2-degree C temperature rise, bird extinction rates could reach 38% in Europe, and 72% in Northeast Australia. We have lost so many innocents already.

But the animals know exactly what is happening without a word. They know that the solution lies not so much in words but in daily actions, and the essential change that will be the most restorative for our world is to be vegan.