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Sea Shepherd expands to protect sea ecosystems. - 16 May 2011
In just one of its newest activities to protect international oceans and marine life, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society recently launched Sea Shepherd Belgium.

A gathering of 200 supportive Belgian citizens was attended by Sea Shepherd’s Captain Paul Watson and well-known Belgian TV host Mr. Tom Waes, who spoke about Sea Shepherd’s life-saving mission and his own campaign in Belgium to help stop the annual dolphin massacre in Taiji, Japan.

Tom Waes – Belgian TV host, Sea Shepherd Belgium Ambassador (M): We collected 65,000 signatures and brought it to the Japanese Embassy. My goal with the petition was to put a bit of pressure on the embassies worldwide.

VOICE: The Sea Shepherd’s highly assertive approaches to stop the illegal killing of whales and other species have drawn international attention. According to Captain Paul Watson, a committed vegan,these efforts are part of encouraging a larger respect for all beings and their vital contributions to ecological balance.

Captain Paul Watson – Founder, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Shining World Hero Award; vegan (M): The one message that we try to get across to everybody is this understand that we’re intimately connected with our oceans and biodiversity and life in our oceans, and that if the oceans die then humanity dies. And so therefore, the protection of our oceans is absolutely essential for our own survival.

VOICE: For his courageous and compassionate endeavors, Supreme Master Ching Hai previously honored Captain Watson with the Shining World Hero Award, and more recently conveyed her special thanks to Sea Shepherd while contributing US$50,000 to further the noble work.

We join in appreciation, Captain Paul Watson, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and its international supporters for your ongoing noble law-enforcing and marine preservation efforts.

May the day be soon that all beings on Earth live in peaceful co-existence. To find out more about Captain Paul Watson and his work, please tune in to the two-part program, “Captain Paul Watson: Brave Guardian of the Seas,” Thursday, May 19 and Friday, May 20 on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants.
