“The Greenest Heroes Gala” sheds light on our immeasurable blessings - 10 Dec 2010  
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“The Greenest Heroes Gala” sheds light on our immeasurable blessings
Sir Richard Bransen (M): Well, I just wanted to say good luck to all of the Greenest Heroes Gala, and have a fantastic evening, and keep up the good work!

In light of the COP 16 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Mexico, the Honorable
Jaime Hernández Zaragoza, Mayor of Cancún, and the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association co-hosted the special “The Greenest Heroes Gala” on December 5.

With keynote speeches from distinguished guests that included Mary Robinson, 7th President of Ireland and the 44th President of Costa Rica, José María Figueres Olsen, the vibrant occasion lauded eight key individuals along with others making great strides towards curbing climate change through their vegan lifestyles.

One of the highlights of the gala was the premiere of the book, “From Crisis to Peace: The Organic Vegan Way Is the Answer,” a compilation of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s messages regarding the protection of our planet.

As a token of appreciation for Mexico, Cancún, and all participants, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared some never-before revealed spiritual information.

The Greenest Heroes Gala December 5, 2010 – Cancún, Mexico
Supreme Master Ching Hai : Well, we have many blessing. As you and I are sitting here, so much blessing you have from the deities of the Heaven. For example, the angels normally would bless you 5%.

If we don’t do anything wrong and if we eat vegan, we get more. If we meditate, we get even more than this. Now, the animals bless us no end. A chicken even, so small and helpless, blesses you 2% to 10%. Because you give them vegan, then they have more power to bless you.

Even the Moon blesses you, 40%. The stars bless you 40%, invisible. The wind, the air bless you also, like 10, 15%. We are swimming in blessing. Please, be conscious so that you get more blessing, so that you can live your life more in peace and make a better decision for you and for all of us, everyone.

VOICE: The gala also featured dazzling musical performances from esteemed artists, including Grammy- and Oscar-winning composer David Shire who accompanied soprano Lynne Wintersteller; founding member of the legendary Beach Boys, Al Jardine; Tony Award-winning singer Melba Moore; acclaimed soprano Kerry Walsh; award-winning Italian-Mexican singer Filippa Giordano; and multi-platinum recording artist Taylor Dayne.

Many were moved by Supreme Master Ching Hai and the event’s spirit and profound message.
Melba Moore (F): The lyrics are the poems of the wonderful Supreme Master Ching Hai. And we want to say, because she’s very shy, that the reason that many of the songs were chosen tonight, is because we love her heart, we love her soul, we love her spirit.

Filippa Giordano, Award-winning Italian-Mexican singer (F): Tonight after I heard you speaking and everything, I want to do the most hard work to make it happen again, and this time become vegan.

Kerry Walsh, Acclaimed soprano (F): I’ve had the, the privilege and the pleasure to be acquainted with Supreme Master for twelve years. And I can’t say too much, because I get very emotional, but I hope everyone is having a wonderful time. It’s just magical. I feel the energy in the air, and I am so honored and this song I sang with all the love in my heart to Supreme Master.

VOICE: Many VIP guests also wished to comment on their heartfelt impressions of “The Greenest Heroes Gala.”
Dr. Ezzat Lewis, Head of Climate Change Central Department, National Ozone Unit (NOU), Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA), Egypt (M): I’ve never had such a beautiful night, too much love! I’m glad to be here with you tonight. It was an honor.

Ma. Eugenia Carrasco Ramirez, Vice President of Sólo por Ayudar- Cancún, Mexico (F): I’m in love with Master! She’s such a powerful lady, such a spiritual lady, and I know she has the power to teach us and let us learn from her and from all the stories, and for us really to start doing a little bit in changing what has to be changed.

VOICE: With our respectful appreciation to Your Excellencies, 44th Costa Rican President Figueres, 7th Irish President Robinson, and Cancún Mayor Hernández Zaragoza, admired performers and all other participants, we join in heralding the eco-protective Greenest Heroes.

Our gratefulness also for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s caring presence and insights as we look forward to the day that such an event celebrates a world full of people enjoying the health and planetary benefits of wholesome organic vegan fare.Please tune in to Supreme Master Television for the full re-broadcast of “The Greenest Heroes Gala” at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s book, “From Crisis to Peace: The Organic Vegan Way Is the Answer,” is freely available to read at www.Crisis2Peace.org.

United Nations Climate Change Conference welcomes supportive presence of Supreme Master Ching Hai.
With the start of the high-level climate negotiations in Cancún, Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai was asked to attend sessions of the important proceedings at the invitation of the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources in Mexico.

Among the dignitaries having a chance to meet her since she arrived was Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Dr. Pachauri, a vegetarian himself, had collaborated with our Association in past climate-related conferences. For his dedicated stance on the vegetarian lifestyle and its vital contribution to stopping global warming, he had been honored with the Shining World Hero Award from
Supreme Master Ching Hai.
Dr. Rajendra Pachauri (M):You have created a global organization and you have so much enthusiasm among your devotees and followers.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: They are just so nice, they are just so nice. I am humbled by their devotion and their sincerity.
Dr. Rajendra Pachauri (M): That's a tribute to your leadership.
VOICE: Before parting, Supreme Master Ching Hai presented gifts to Dr. Pachauri as a token of her best wishes for his work during the summit.In addition, Supreme Master Ching Hai has been also meeting with the public at Climate Change Village.

With the release of the new book, “From Crisis to Peace: The Organic Vegan Way Is the Answer,” she had graciously made time to accept requests to autograph copies of the free volume, which explains in-depth the organic vegan diet solution to climate change through compilations of past conferences with Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Meanwhile, coinciding with the United Nations Climate Change Conference, a panel representing a group of Latin American nations agreed on a project to quantify greenhouse gas emissions from their cattle populations. Given the immense amount of global warming already known to come from livestock-related emissions, this new joint project was selected from among other proposals on ways to mitigate climate change and strengthen food security.

Scientists noted that in countries like Argentina, livestock production accounts for 41% of the country’s total greenhouse gas emissions, while in Uruguay it is responsible for 78%, and in Paraguay, 97%. This collaborative endeavor thus will specifically measure the cattle’s methane and nitrous oxide emissions, which are respectively 100 and 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide, with the aim being to reduce emissions from these major sources.

Bravo Latin American countries for your acknowledgment and efforts to reduce greenhouse gases from the livestock sector, the most critical issue of global warming.

We are also grateful to Dr. Pachauri as well as all the dedicated leaders at the Climate Change Conference, and to Supreme Master Ching Hai, whose activities in Cancún are surely a special encouragement and contribution.
May the organic vegan solution be considered foremost in governments' decision-making for the protection of our planet and co-inhabitants.

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