Advocates call for end to cruelty toward slaughterhouse horses. - 29 Apr 2010  
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The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) along with the Canadian Horse Defense Coalition have recently called for an end to the inhumane suffering endured by horses at two abattoirs in Canada.
The animal welfare organizations cited video footage taken at both facilities, in which the animals were seen being subjected to such treatment as excessive whipping, overuse of an electric prod and being killed.

Shots were placed in the wrong part of the head or body prolonging the animal's fear and pain. With the WSPA asking for the plants to be shut down immediately, Canada’s Food Inspection Agency is currently investigating the matter.

We deeply appreciate the World Society for the Protection of Animals and Canadian Horse Defense Coalition for your concerned efforts on behalf of these gentle equine friends.
May the day soon come when all fellow beings are respected and allowed to live in their natural state of beauty and dignity.
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