Dog blessed--Roberta Beach returns the favor after a dog helped her through hard times - 14 Oct 2010  
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In animal news, a well-wishing canine’s friendship inspires an American woman to open a dog shelter. Between 1985 and 1998, registered nurse Ms. Roberta Beach of Missouri, USA had several cancer-related surgeries. She credits the wonderful companionship of beagle Oliver during that time in helping her recover. To return the favor, Ms. Beach inaugurated the home-based Silverwalk Hound Sanctuary in 2007. With a deep faith in God and sincere prayer, she devotes all her free time to the rescue and care of precious dogs. At least 60 canines have benefitted up to now. Our hats are off to you, Ms. Beach, for your praiseworthy dedication to these innocent beings. May a loving home with cherished companions be awaiting each beautiful canine friend.

Upon hearing this news, Supreme Master Ching Hai is donating veg dog food, beds, and US$2,000 for veg bones for the lovely canines.
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