Palestinian president hosts rare luncheon with Israelis - 22 Dec 2010  
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Palestinian president hosts rare luncheon with Israelis. Organized by the Geneva Initiative, a group of Israeli and Palestinians who negotiated a model peace accord in 2003, the meeting on Sunday, December 19 was hosted by Palestinian President Abbas at his headquarters in Ramallah. Attending were approximately 60 current and former Israeli dignitaries, media members and other peace advocates along with dozens of senior members of the Palestinian Fatah and other parties. During the event, President Abbas emphasized his commitment to amicable relations reached by more than just government leaders as he stated, “In the end, we want to make peace between the people, the Israeli and Palestinian people.” Appealing to those present to act with urgency, he also said, “We do not want to miss this opportunity... Please help us not to miss it. I have eight grandchildren. I want a peaceful life for them.”

President Abbas, we send our accolades and admiration for your steadfast dedication to diplomacy and peace. Blessed be such efforts in hastening the day that harmonious relations prevail among all people in the Middle East.

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