Cảm Tạ Đặc Biệt Trong Tháng - Tháng 4, 2009   

We thank the followingand those unknown persons, groups,agencies, organizations and governments for their loving and selfless actions that bring meaningful comfort and assistance to others.May your lives be graced by the Divine with evermore joy and fulfilling reward.
European Union
European Union donates €1-billion to farmers in developing countries for food security.
The Netherlands
The Netherlands pledges €180 million to developing countries for health, water, transportation, and energy sectors.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
USAID is donating US$50 million to Lebanon for economic reforms.
Germany cancels the Philippines’ US$31.6 million debt for health development programs in return.
Germany donates €9 million to Thailand for climate change initiatives.
European Union
The European Union donates €1.9 million to Jamaica for economic development in banana-growing areas.
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the Philippines
President Macapagal-Arroyo funds and advocates for a large-scale production of healthy and affordable plant-based foodstuffs.
Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, Malaysia
Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai promotes a vegetarian diet for disease prevention.
Parliament Member Kerry McCarthy, United Kingdom
British Parliament Member Kerry McCarthy speaks on the planetary detriments of meat consumption.
Actor Anil Kapoor
Actor Anil Kapoor donates his earnings from the film “Slumdog Millionaire” to Plan India for disadvantaged children.
British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV) and Jenny Gowen
The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection’s senior parliamentary adviser calls on the House of Commons to establish cruelty-free offices.
Smigel the feline, Jordan
Smigel the cat adopts and nurtures four orphaned puppies.
Japan, World Bank, USA, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, EU, United Arab Emirates, Paris Club, and other benefactors
49 countries and international organizations pledge US$5 billion in assistance to Pakistan at the Donor’s Conference
European Union
European Union budgets €600 million to Nigeria for economic development.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The EPA will spend an additional US$600 million for the cleanup of hazardous waste sites in the US.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will donate US$33 million to China for tuberculosis treatment and prevention.
United Nations
The United Nations announces a donation of US$10 million to Sri Lanka for displaced persons of the civil war.
Iraqi government and the Arab League
The Iraqi government donates US$5 million to Somalia through the Arab League’s monthly donation to the country for peace and stability efforts.
Japan pledges US$5 million to assist Somali asylum seekers in Yemen and neighboring countries.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donates US$4.7 million to Ghana and Uganda for health and agricultural development.
The Salvation Army, USA
The Salvation Army announces a US$3.6 million distribution for unemployed persons in the Midwest, USA.
Kuwait donates US$3 million to the International Committee of the Red Cross for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
Foreign Ministry of France
The Foreign Ministry of France donates US$1.3 million to help Sri Lankans displaced by the civil war.
Canada and the Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)
The Canadian government’s Sustainable Development Technology Canada allocates US$1.2 million for solar energy.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
USAID donates US$614,000 to Rwanda for medical equipment.
Madonna donates US$500,000 to earthquake victims in Italy.
Ashton Kutcher, Oprah Winfrey, Demi Moore, Saana Nyassi, Ryan Seacrest, CNN, and others
American celebrities and media donate thousands of dollars to eliminate malaria worldwide: Ashton Kutcher, Oprah Winfrey, Demi Moore, Saana Nyassi, Ryan Seacrest, CNN, and others.
Formosa (Taiwan)
Formosa (Taiwan) donates US$265,000 to trachoma prevention project in Africa
China donates US$100,000 to Namibian flood victims.
The European Union
The European Union pledges €75 billion in loans to help countries in need.
Venezuela provides financial aid to asylum seekers living in border areas to promote self-sufficiency.
Russia sends more humanitarian aid to Afghanistan as part of its regular assistance for the country
Austria donates relief supplies to Namibia’s flood victims.
India donates 250,000 tons of wheat to Afghanistan.
The United States dispatches an aid convoy to Afghanistan for earthquake victims.
Germany announces funding to the Philippines for humanitarian aid to the disaster-stricken Caraga region.
Sri Lankan traders of the Thambutthegama Economic Centre and farmers
Sri Lankan traders of the Thambutthegama Economic Centre and farmers donate 60,000 kilograms of vegetables to displaced residents of civil war.
Egypt and Egyptian Ambassador Reda Bebars
Ambassador Reda Bebars announces Egypt’s donation of 230 tons of food supplies to northern Uganda.
Yobe State, Nigeria
Yobe State launches a water supply program to help rural citizens.
First Lady Janet Museveni, Uganda
First Lady Janet Museveni launches a water project in Kangole to resolve water shortage in the region.
Germany pledges funding to rebuild quake-stricken village in Italy.
Sheikha Jawahir bint Mohammed Al Qasimi and Palestinian Children’s Relief Society, Sharjah
Sheikha Jawahir bint Mohammed Al Qasimi’s Children Peace campaign and the Palestinian Children’s Relief Society will donate water and wheelchairs to Gazans.
German merchant ship MS Dorian
The MS Dorian’s timely arrival saves 75 people aboard a sinking ship off the coast of Tanzania.
Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding and Jamaican personnel
Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding and the assistance of Jamaican personnel negotiate the safe release of detained passengers and crew on a plane.
Earth Waterworks
Earth Waterworks brings the technology of producing water from air to Yemen.
Doctors Without Borders
Doctors Without Borders provides medical treatment in Amman, Jordan, for Iraqi civilians.
Qatar Charity, Pakistan
The Qatar Charity in Pakistan donates funds and relief goods to orphaned Kashmiri children.
One Organic Movement, the Philippines
One Organic Movement members encourage government support of organic farming to reduce cost, improve health, and mitigate global warming.
Prince Faisal bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz and Saudi Cancer Society, Saudi Arabia
The Saudi Cancer Society, with the support of Honorary Chairman Prince Faisal bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, has been able to treat over 6,000 patients in the past year.
Prince Charles, United Kingdom
Prince Charles cautions that time is running out and calls for inspired leadership to halt climate change.
President Umaru YarAdua, Nigeria
Nigerian President Umaru YarAdua offers amnesty to groups in the Niger delta willing to disarm.
Âu Lạc (Vietnam)
Âu Lạc (Vietnam) opens the country’s first solar panel factory in Long An.
Poland revises plans for a new road to preserve Rospuda Valley, a protected wildlife area.                         
Li Wenru, China
Disabled university student Li Wenru donates money earned from awards to needy students.
Sir Paul McCartney
Vegetarian Sir Paul McCartney signs petition to ban seal hunting trade.
Associate Professor Wu Yi-Min, Formosa (Taiwan
Associate Professor Wu Yi-Min develops an earthquake alert that sends a faster warning than the current alert.
Ranger the Boston terrier
Specially trained Ranger the Boston terrier alerts man of a stroke hours before it happens and thus saves his life.
New Zealand Lawyers
Lawyers donate their time to SPCA Auckland, New Zealand for animal welfare cases: John Billington, Roger Chambers, Nick Davidson, Paul Davison, Richard Earwaker, Stuart Grieve, John Haigh, Rodney Harrison, Mike Heron, Anne Hinton, David Jones, John Katz, Peter Kaye, Aaron Lloyd, Ron Mansfield, Stephen Mills, Mary Peters, Todd Simmonds, Nicholas Till, Kit Toogood, and Harry Waalkens.
Restaurants in California, USA
Restaurants in California voluntarily remove foie gras from their menus.
Mayor Mike Nichols and Solano Beach city
The city of Solana Beach, California, USA passes a resolution to ban foie gras thanks to the initiative of Mayor Mike Nichols.
CNN International
CNN schedules special programs on the environment, including coverage of the Copenhagen Climate Conference in December.
Guardian Unlimited, United Kingdom
Guardian Unlimited daily news launches website to cover the latest on green issues.
Seattle-Tacoma airport, USA
Seattle-Tacoma airport in Washington uses radar to protect birds from colliding with aircrafts.
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, USA
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announces a partnership with California universities to develop eco-technologies.
Citizens of Vermont, USA
Vermont volunteers help hundreds of amphibians cross a roadway during annual migration.
Dominic Waughray of the Environmental Initiatives with World Economic Forum
Senior Director Dominic Waughray  of the Environmental Initiatives with World Economic Forum notes the world’s major rivers are near empty and calls for water- and carbon-neutral energy sources.
Hillside Animal Sanctuary, England
Hillside Animal Sanctuary rescues and provides a safe home for a Fergus the Highland bull and Floss the cow.
US First Lady Michelle Obama
US First Lady Michelle Obama inspires the admiration of women around the world for her many exemplary accomplishments.
Supreme Court, India
To ensure animal welfare,  India’s Supreme Court rules that films featuring animals must obtain clearance before being released.
Roger Olson, USA
Roger Olson of North Dakota rescues a drowning squirrel and cares for him until his recovery.
Animal House Pet store, USA
Animal House Pet store stops selling dogs and assists animal welfare organizations find caregivers instead.

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