Lời Chào Đặc Biệt Trong Tháng (Tháng 1, 2010)   

We thank the following and those unknown persons, groups, agencies, organizations and governments for their loving and selfless actions that bring meaningful comfort and assistance to others.

May your lives be graced by the Divine with evermore joy and fulfilling reward.




The US government allocates US$23 billion in tax credits to go toward companies involved in sustainable technologies; and donates US$100,000 to benefit Philippine people affected by an eruption of the Mayon Volcano.


Japan donates US$7.4 million to Morocco for the construction of a solar plant in the city of Assa-Zag. 

The European Commission

The European Commission donates €6 million to Sri Lanka to assist residents displaced by civil war and refugees in India. 

USA and France

The United States and France pledge US$5.13 million in emergency food aid to civil war victims in the Republic of Congo.

The US Agency for International Development

The US Agency for International Development’s Office of Food for Peace donates US$5 million to help feed 150,000 war victims in Saada, Yemen.


The Canadian government allocates approximately US$2.4 million for a smoking cessation program.   


Australia donates over US$1.2 million to fund water supply development in Zimbabwe; sends US$46,000 to help the quake-stricken Solomon Islands; and funds the construction of centers to serve pre-school and other needs of indigenous children in New South Wales.

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland allocates £415,000 to help improve services offered by community centers in less fortunate neighborhoods.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Hollywood celebrities and humanitarians Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt donate US$100,000 to the US-based SOS Children’s Villages.


Germany donates US$88,000 to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) for households affected by Typhoon Mirinae.

New Zealand

New Zealand donates US$36,500 to the Solomon Islands for earthquake and tsunami relief.

The UN World Food Program

The UN World Food Program sends 50 metric tons of food for war victims in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The Sana’a’ Chamber of Commerce, Yemen

The Sana’a Chamber of Commerce in Yemen sends 1,200 tons of privately donated relief items to war-stricken fellow citizens.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees distributes 35,000 tents and 54,000 aid kits to war-displaced Pakistani citizens.


Iran is sending medical and humanitarian aid to Somalia for people affected by severe drought; and lifts visa requirements for Azerbaijani citizens.


Macedonia sends boats and tents to help Albanians affected by floods.

Christian charity World Vision, Formosa (Taiwan)

The Formosan (Taiwanese) chapter of the Christian charity World Vision donates homes to typhoon victims, with a pledge to construct more.    

The Hebrew Rehabilitation Center, the AFYA Foundation, and Partners in Health

The US-based Hebrew Rehabilitation Center, the AFYA Foundation and Partners in Health cooperate to send 120 hospital beds to Haiti.

The Saudi Red Crescent Authority

The Saudi Red Crescent Authority donates 10 ambulances to Sudan to support health services in North Darfur.

Lithuanian citizens

More than 5,000 hand-knit winter hats donated by Lithuanian citizens are distributed to children in schools and remote villages in Afghanistan.

Perkins School for the Blind and International Relief and Development

US-based Perkins School for the Blind and International Relief and Development partner to donate Braille learning materials to visually impaired children in Iraq.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka provides former Tamil child soldiers with education, vocational and technical training.

The United Kingdom

The UK donates funds to record the Carteret Islands’ cultural heritage and preserve it from loss as the islands sink beneath rising seas. 

Ecuador and the UN High Commissioner

With support from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Ecuador begins the process of legalizing some 55,000 Colombian asylum seekers.


Venezuela significantly reduces poverty in 2009 through measures such as school lunches and food subsidies for the less fortunate.


Belgium bans alcohol sales to teenagers under the age of 16.

The Philippines

The Philippines places a ban on gun licenses to foster peace leading up to the May 2010 elections.

Victoria state, Australia

Victoria state government prohibits smoking in cars carrying persons under the age of 18. 

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev pardons 21 inmates during Christmas 2009.

Aldo Magazzeni, USA

Aldo Magazzeni of New Jersey sponsors and organizes the construction of community water systems in remote villages of Afghanistan.

Former US President Jimmy Carter and former First Lady Rosalyn Carter

Former US President Jimmy Carter and former First Lady Rosalyn Carter lead volunteers in constructing 166 homes in five Asian countries.

The Venerable Zhenrong

The Venerable Zhenrong, a Formosan (Taiwanese) Buddhist nun, has provided for the needs of over 70 children in the past 11 years.

Northern Ireland former paramilitary Ulster Defence Association

The Northern Ireland former paramilitary Ulster Defence Association affirms the group’s full disarmament and apologizes for its past misdeeds.

The United Kingdom

The UK announces plans for low-carbon agriculture, which includes reduced meat and dairy consumption and more locally-sourced seasonal produce.

China and member states of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)

China and member states of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) form a comprehensive free trade region.

Lebanese Environment Minister Mohammad Rahhal

Lebanese Environment Minister Mohammad Rahhal announces 10 projects to prevent pollution and mitigate climate change.

A Palestinian emergency crew and an Israeli rescue team

A Palestinian emergency crew assists an Israeli rescue team in extinguishing the flames and saving the people of an Israeli bus that caught fire.

Britain’s Prince William

Britain’s Prince William visits a hospice for terminally ill patients and children in a special needs school.

Compass Group

Food service company Compass Group launches a veg awareness campaign while offering reduced meat and vegan options across its 8,500 corporate and academic cafeterias.

Yunlin County’s primary school, Formosa (Taiwan)

Primary schools throughout Yunlin County, Formosa (Taiwan) provide lunches with less meat and additional vegetables to lower carbon emissions.

Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon, USA

Baltimore, Maryland Mayor Sheila Dixon invites government employees to volunteer for Meatless Mondays.

Richard Gere

Award-winning Hollywood actor and Buddhist Richard Gere urges citizens of Bodh Gaya, India, to adopt vegetarianism.

Neetu Chandra

Indian actress Neetu Chandra helps launch a veg campaign at the popular vegan Influence Restaurant and Spa in Chennai.

Vegan Outreach

Through the Adopt a College program, non-profit Vegan Outreach distributes awareness-raising literature to US high school and college students nationwide. 

Dr. Monica L. Gerrek, USA

Speaking at a bioethics event in Ohio, Dr. Monica L. Gerrek explains why eating meat is morally incorrect.

Scottish musician Fran Healy and family

To convey his appreciation for a kindness from meat-free advocate Sir Paul McCartney, Scottish musician Fran Healy and his family become vegetarians

“Mighty” Joe Rollino

The late Coney Island strong man “Mighty” Joe Rollino lived to age 104 as a vegetarian who abstained from tobacco and alcohol.

The United Nations

The United Nations is successful in achieving a goal of planting 7 billion trees in 2009.

Ampang Jaya Municipal Council, Malaysia

Malaysia’s Ampang Jaya Municipal Council revives the tradition of planting a tree for every new birth.


Ethiopia awards 11,000 acres of land to national eco-hero Gashaw Tahir and his Greenland Development Foundation to be planted with fruit trees.

German scientists

German scientists develop a diesel engine with exhaust pollutants reduced to nearly the levels required by the 2014 Euro 6 standard.

Retailer Carrefour Malaysia

Retailer Carrefour Malaysia encourages customers to bring reusable bags to reduce plastic.

Tusk Trust charity

UK-based Tusk Trust charity is devoted to safeguarding African wildlife and sustainably developing communities.

An international team of scientists

An international team of scientists finds that Siberian huskies maintain high energy levels on a vegetarian diet.

Austrian politicians and animal rights advocates

Austrian politicians and animal rights advocates successfully halt the burial of live pigs beneath the snow for avalanche testing.

Chinese legal experts

Chinese legal experts submit an animal welfare bill calling for a ban that would illegalize dog and cat meat. 

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